The Open Library Project
The Open Library Project is an online resource library with readily available reference books, reports, studies, guides and tools, and fact sheets relevant to civil society and civil society organisations’ work in Lebanon.
Dossiers are sub-libraries specific to certain events or themes
Cover Title Publisher(s) Publishing Year Synopsis Dossier Theme
Civil Society Review issue 2 - Lebanese, refugee, and migrant women in Lebanon: From sociopolitical marginality to turnaround strategies Lebanon Support 2016

While women’s issues and rights have been at the forefront of public and civil society debate, academic, and activist publications, women’s inequalities and the discrimination women face in... [read more]

Migration, Mobility and Circulation, Gender Equity Network Gender
"A Shoulder to Lean On.” Towards Rights-Based Interventions and Policies for Syrian Refugees in Lebanon. Lebanon Support 2016

This policy brief analyses the socio-political implications of the so-called October policies, and suggests legislative, political, and practical measures to improve the situation of Syrian... [read more]

Migration, Mobility and Circulation, Syrian Refugees in Lebanon, Conflict Analysis Project Refugees, Policy Interventions
Humanitarian Assistance in Lebanon: Overview, Challenges and Recommendations. Revisiting the Humanitarian System: The Call for Country Ownership in the Case of Lebanon. Lebanon Support 2016

The 2015 Global Humanitarian Assistance (GHA) Report highlights that in 2013, 147 countries received humanitarian assistance, with countries from the Arab region, particularly those affected by... [read more]

Civil Society Observatory Civil Society Development
Access to Healthcare for Syrian Refugees. The Impact of Fragmented Service Provision on Syrians’ Daily Lives Lebanon Support 2016

This report aims to explore the fragmented organisation of healthcare services in Lebanon, for Syrian refugees. Although it is not an assessment of the Lebanese healthcare system, this report does... [read more]

Migration, Mobility and Circulation, Syrian Refugees in Lebanon, Conflict Analysis Project Refugees, Health
The Conflict Context in Tripoli: Chronic Neglect, Increased Poverty, & Leadership Crisis. Lebanon Support 2016

This report provides an analysis of the current political, social and economic dynamics in Tripoli, Lebanon. The analysis begins with a brief overview of Tripoli’s history in the 20th century and... [read more]

Conflict Analysis Project Quality of Life, Conflict Resolution
Syrian Refugees' Livelihoods. The Impact of Progressively Constrained Legislations and Increased Informality on Syrians’ Daily Lives. Lebanon Support 2016

This report examines both the historical development and current situation of Syrians working in Lebanon through the analysis of policies established and implemented by the Lebanese government.... [read more]

Migration, Mobility and Circulation, Syrian Refugees in Lebanon, Socio-Economic Rights Base, Conflict Analysis Project Refugees, Livelihoods & Labour Rights
Formal Informality, Brokering Mechanisms, and Illegality. The Impact of the Lebanese State’s Policies on Syrian Refugees’ Daily Lives. Lebanon Support 2016

This report seeks to provide an overview of Lebanon’s current policy towards Syrian refugees, and to explore the new rules and regulations issued by General Security regarding the entry, residency... [read more]

Migration, Mobility and Circulation, Syrian Refugees in Lebanon, Socio-Economic Rights Base, Conflict Analysis Project Refugees
Security That Protects: Informing Policy on Local Security Provision in Lebanese Communities Hosting Syrian Refugees Lebanon Support 2016

The purpose of this policy brief is to inform policy formulation on local level security provision and refugee protection, and to propose modalities for upgrading the sys- tems of the Lebanese... [read more]

Migration, Mobility and Circulation, Syrian Refugees in Lebanon, Conflict Analysis Project Refugees, Safety & Security
Crisis & Control, (In)Formal Hybrid Security in Lebanon Lebanon Support 2016

This report aims to analyse how formal and informal security providers implement their respective social order agendas through a security “assemblage”. It also aims to inform the debate on refugee... [read more]

Migration, Mobility and Circulation, Syrian Refugees in Lebanon, Conflict Analysis Project Refugees, Safety & Security
The Basic Guidebook for Emerging Collectives, Cooperatives and NGOs in Lebanon (En-Ar) Lebanon Support 2016

This resource published within Lebanon Support's Humanitarian Knowledge Base, in partnership with the ... [read more]

Civil Society Observatory Civil Society Development
