Migration, Mobility and Circulation

الحماية الإجتماعية تستثني اللاجئين/ات الفلسطينيين/ات

تُعتبر القوانين والأنظمة الخاصّة بالحماية الاجتماعية إقصائيّة بشكل منهجي ولا تؤمّن الحماية لأغلبيّة واسعة من السكّان. فبما أنّ الوصول إلى برامج الضمان الاجتماعي مرتبط بالعمل النظامي، إنّ اللاجئين/ات الفلسطينيّين/ات في لبنان يواجهون عقبات تشريعيّة وعمليّة في الحصول على عقود العمل والوصول إلى الضمان الاجتماعي. وقد أدّت هذه العوائق التي تحول دون الوصول إلى العمالة الرسميّة وبالتالي التأمين الاجتماعي، إلى تحويل اللاجئين/ات الفلسطينيين/ات إلى مستفيدين/ات على المدى الطويل من المساعدات الاجتماعيّة، وخلقت حالة طويلة الأمد من الهشاشة المزمنة.

Social Protection in Lebanon Excludes Palestinian Refugees

The laws and regulations relevant to social protection are systemically exclusionary and fail to protect a vast majority of the population. As access to national social security schemes is linked to formal labour, Palestine refugees in Lebanon encounter legislative and practical barriers in obtaining work contracts and accessing social security. Barriers in accessing formal labour and hence social insurance have transformed Palestine refugees into long-term recipients of humanitarian assistance, and created a protracted situation of chronic vulnerability.

Call For Papers by Lebanon Support - دعوة لتقديم الأوراق البحثية من قبل مركز دعم لبنان

Migration, mobility, and circulation in the Middle East: rethinking inequalities and informality

Lebanon Support is seeking submissions for the fourth issue of the Civil Society Review:

Migration, mobility, and circulation in the Middle East: rethinking inequalities and informality

Localising migration governance in the Middle East region. Towards human rights based policies and interventions

This policy brief builds on Lebanon Support’s transformative and interdisciplinary research on migration, mobility, and circulation in the region. It aims to build on comparative contextual research findings to propose targeted recommendations from a bottom-up perspective, including the perspective of grassroot organisations, practitioners, and those who are affected by migration policies: refugees themselves. It also endeavours to amplify local, national, and regional voices in global discussions on migration, to inform more humane and human rights based policy-making.


Civil Society Review Issue 4: “Challenging “Migration Governance” in the Middle East and Turkey: Dynamic Power Relations, Contested Interventions, and Individual Strategies”

The papers gathered in this special issue of the Civil Society Review, both explicitly or implicitly, challenge the way in which migration is “governed” in the Middle East and Turkey. They explore how agency is articulated, shaped, and continuously adjusted in migration processes.



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