The Open Library Project
The Open Library Project is an online resource library with readily available reference books, reports, studies, guides and tools, and fact sheets relevant to civil society and civil society organisations’ work in Lebanon.
Dossiers are sub-libraries specific to certain events or themes
Cover Title Publisher(s) Publishing Year Synopsis Dossier Theme
Reception Policies, Practices, and Responses RESPOND 2020

This report provides a contextual analysis of the provision of reception to asylum seekers in Lebanon, with a particular focus on the developments of the period spanning 2011 to 2019. Research... [read more]

Migration, Mobility and Circulation Refugees
Women's Political Participation in Lebanon and the Limits of Aid-Driven Empowerment Lebanon Support 2020

The question of women’s political participation in Lebanon could not be more timely. As of 17 October 2019, nation-wide protests have erupted in response to increasing austerity measures that... [read more]

Gender Equity Network Elections, Gender
Refugee Protection RESPOND 2020

This report provides a contextual analysis of the provision of refugee protection in Lebanon. It highlights the absence of a comprehensive refugee protection legal framework, in favor of a  set of... [read more]

Migration, Mobility and Circulation Refugees
Understanding the social protection needs of civil society workers in Lebanon. Towards strengthening social rights and security for all. Lebanon Support 2019

The social protection landscape in Lebanon is characterised by its fragmentation and exclusionary nature, leaving the most... [read more]

Socio-Economic Rights Base, Civil Society Observatory Public Sector Development, Civil Society Development
Lebanon’s Border Regime: Fluid Rigidity, Foreign Interference, and Hybrid Security Assemblages. RESPOND 2019
This report seeks to analyse border and migration governance in Lebanon; it provides an overview of legislation... [read more]
Migration, Mobility and Circulation Refugees
Lebanon’s 2018 Election: New measures and the resilience of the Status Quo. Lebanon Support 2019

This policy brief explores how—despite widespread citizen frustration—the status quo prevailed. The brief will subject the above paradoxes to greater empirical scrutiny, with particular attention... [read more]

Gender Equity Network, Conflict Analysis Project Elections, Gender
“Out with the old, in with the new”? A Portrait of a Torn Generation in the Making Generation What 2019

Youths in Lebanon have generally been studied through the lens of emigration and unemployment. While this literature offers interesting insights, it fails to capture this segment of the population... [read more]

A Practical Guide for Civil Society Organisations in Lebanon towards Proposal Writing Lebanon Support 2018

This guide provides you with the tools needed to facilitate the proposal writing process and securing funds, by explaining the criteria upon which most donors base their decisions to provide... [read more]

Civil Society Observatory Civil Society Development, Humanitarian Financing & Resources
Breaking the political glass ceiling: Enhancing women's political participation in Lebanon Lebanon Support 2018

This policy brief was developed based on an in-depth report titled Women’s Political Participation: Exclusion and Reproduction of... [read more]

Gender Equity Network Gender
Women’s Political Participation: Exclusion and Reproduction of Social Roles Case Studies from Lebanon Lebanon Support 2018
This study seeks to expand understanding of women’s participation in the Lebanese political system – a system founded on confessionalism, political familism, clientelism, and other factors... [read more]
Gender Equity Network Gender
