The Open Library Project
The Open Library Project is an online resource library with readily available reference books, reports, studies, guides and tools, and fact sheets relevant to civil society and civil society organisations’ work in Lebanon.
Dossiers are sub-libraries specific to certain events or themes
Cover Title Publisher(s) Publishing Year Synopsis Dossier Theme
The role of Community Based Organizations in preparing and responding to crisis in Lebanon, a qualitative study Lebanon Support 2016

This study explores the role of community-based organizations in preparing for and responding to crisis in Lebanon. While there has been considerable work conducted on preparedness, responsiveness... [read more]

Civil Society Observatory Civil Society Development
Gender Dictionary: traveling concepts and local usages in Lebanon - قاموس الجندر: مفاهيم متنقّلة واستعمالاتها المحلية في لبنان Lebanon Support 2016

The Gender Dictionary, published by Lebanon Support, is a practical bilingual tool, based on multidisciplinary research and consultations with local gender actors (academics, experts,... [read more]

Women's rights and status, Gender Equity Network Gender
Overview of Gender Actors & Interventions in Lebanon - لمحة عامة عن الأطراف الفاعلة في مجال الجندر وتدخلاتها في لبنان Lebanon Support 2016

This report aims to present a general overview of the current local gender actors and their interventions... [read more]

Women's rights and status, Gender Equity Network Gender
Conflict Analysis Digest, August 2015: Politics of security, discourses of fear and economic fatigue: the conflict dynamics in Matn Lebanon Support 2015

This Conflict Analysis Digest is composed of:

I. Current conflict trends

1- Overview of mapped conflict incidents in Lebanon, with the villages where... [read more]

Migration, Mobility and Circulation, Conflict Analysis Project Refugees, Conflict Resolution
Conflict Analysis Digest, May 2015: Spatial Fragmentation and rise in poverty. The conflict context in Saida Lebanon Support 2015

This Conflict Analysis Digest is composed of:

I. Current conflict trends

1- Overview... [read more]

Conflict Analysis Project Conflict Resolution
Civil Society Review issue 1 - Revisiting Inequalities in Lebanon: the case of the "Syrian refugee crisis" and gender dynamics Lebanon Support 2015

The objective of the Civil Society Review is to bring civil society practitioners, experts, activists, and researchers together to develop knowledge, as well as to innovate new tools and practices... [read more]

Migration, Mobility and Circulation, Gender Equity Network, Civil Society Resources Refugees, Gender
Between Local Patronage Relationships and Securitization: The Conflict Context in the Bekaa Region Lebanon Support 2015

This report provides an analytical summary of the conflict context in the Bekaa region of Lebanon, with a focus on the relationships between the Syrian de facto refugees and the... [read more]

Migration, Mobility and Circulation, Conflict Analysis Project Refugees, Conflict Resolution
Mapping of The Lebanese 2009 Elections Lebanon Support 2010

This package includes 3 maps pertaining to Lebanon's 2009 elections: - "confessional-distrib": showing the confessional geographic distribution of Lebanon's population - "election-results":... [read more]

Mapping of Key Socio-Economic Indicators Lebanon Support 2011

Four maps showing poverty distribution, distribution of poor population per economic sector, education level of poor population, and average household size, across Lebanon.

Social & Cultural Development, Economic Development
Report on Psycho-social Support to Returnees and Communities Affected by War Lebanon Support 2006

This list is a compilation of activities that fall into the psycho-social support sector, showing the type of support, location, and partners.

The July, 2006 Israeli War on Lebanon Mental Health & Psychosocial
