The Open Library Project
The Open Library Project is an online resource library with readily available reference books, reports, studies, guides and tools, and fact sheets relevant to civil society and civil society organisations’ work in Lebanon.
Dossiers are sub-libraries specific to certain events or themes
Cover Title Publisher(s) Publishing Year Synopsis Dossier Theme
Mapping of Open Businesses in Nahr El Bared's Adjacent Area Lebanon Support 2009

Maps of businesses open in Nahr El Bared's adjacent area including food production businesses, construction and hardware industries, beauty and entertainment enterprises, and health, education and... [read more]

The Nahr El-Bared War Trade & Finance
2007 Project Distribution Across Lebanon Lebanon Support 2007

Maps showing the distribution of development projects in various fields including health, education, agriculture, etc.

Social & Cultural Development, Economic Development, Civil Society Development, Health, Agriculture & Rural Development
South Analysis - Compiled Report Lebanon Support 2008

The July war 2006, lasted 34 days, and led to the displacement of 915,762 (almost 25% of the Lebanese population) persons, relocating into public and private schools all over the country. With the... [read more]

The July, 2006 Israeli War on Lebanon Relief Services, Recovery & Reconstruction
Mapping of Vulnerabilities in Lebanon Lebanon Support 2008

This Map Contains The Following Information Layers: - Political Layer displaying the electoral weight of each of the opposition and the loyalists in each of the electoral districts of the 2005... [read more]

Safety & Security, Economic Development, Elections
