The Open Library Project
The Open Library Project is an online resource library with readily available reference books, reports, studies, guides and tools, and fact sheets relevant to civil society and civil society organisations’ work in Lebanon.
Dossiers are sub-libraries specific to certain events or themes
Cover Title Publisher(s) Publishing Year Synopsis Dossier Theme
Civil Society Review issue 6 - War: a catalyst for the transformation of families in the Middle East. Case studies from Lebanon, Yemen, Palestine, and Syria. The Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action 2023

The articles (scientific papers as well as testimonies) gathered in this issue constitute a timely reflection on the longitudinal and relational aspects of war and how they impact... [read more]

Gender Equity Network, Conflict Analysis Project Peace Keeping, Family Issues, Gender
.الطابع العَرَضي، والهشاشة، وعدم الاستقرار الدائم للعاملين/ات غير النظاميين/ات. نظرةٌ على ظروف عمل النادلين/ات والسقاة في الحانات في لبنان The Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action 2023

تتناول هذه الدراسة موضوع "العمالة غير النظامية" من منظور عاملين/ات في قطاع الأغذية والمشروبات في لبنان (وتحديدًا النادلين/ات والسقاة في... [read more]

Socio-Economic Rights Base, Conflict Analysis Project Livelihoods & Labour Rights
Casualisation, precarity, and permanent instability of informal workers. A look at the working conditions of waiters and bartenders in Lebanon. The Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action 2023

This paper looks at “informal employment” through the lens of workers in the food and beverage service industry (mainly waiters and bartenders) in Lebanon in 2022/2023. It... [read more]

Socio-Economic Rights Base, Conflict Analysis Project Livelihoods & Labour Rights
A Decrepit Social Security Pillar. Salvaging The National Social Security Fund in Lebanon Amidst The Crisis. | .انهيار ركيزة الضمان الاجتماعي في لبنان: إنقاذ الصندوق الوطني للضمان الاجتماعي في خضم الأزمة The Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action 2023

The Lebanese social protection system was from its inception, and through its historical development, a fragmented system characterised by, on the one hand, scattered contributory-based schemes... [read more]

Socio-Economic Rights Base, Conflict Analysis Project Policy Interventions
حمايةٌ غير متوفّرة. تقرير حول تحديات نظام الحماية الاجتماعية الحالي في لبنان في خضمّ الأزمة The Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action 2023

هذا التقرير عبارة عن دراسة تحليلية تتناول أثر الأزمة الاقتصادية اللبنانية المتعددة المستويات وتداعياتها على صعيد الحماية الاجتماعية في لبنان. ويهدف التقرير إلى دراسة آليات الحماية... [read more]

Socio-Economic Rights Base, Conflict Analysis Project Livelihoods & Labour Rights
Unprotected. Survey Report on The Challenges of The Current Social Protection System in Lebanon Amidst The Crisis. The Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action 2023

This report analyzes the impact of the multilayered Lebanese economic crisis and its major macroeconomic shocks on the social protection landscape in Lebanon. It aims to examine the social... [read more]

Socio-Economic Rights Base, Conflict Analysis Project Livelihoods & Labour Rights
Solidarity As Resistance. Multidimensional Fears, Vulnerabilities and Coping Mechanisms Among Women Leading Households in Lebanon. | التضامُن كفعل مقاومة في وجه الأزمات. الخوف المتعدد الجوانب والهشاشة وآليات التكيّف بين النساء المعيلات لأسرهنّ في لبنان. The Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action 2023

This ethnographic study looks at the trajectories and lived experiences of women leading households in Lebanon. It focuses on their challenges and coping mechanisms throughout the economic crisis... [read more]

Gender Equity Network, Socio-Economic Rights Base, Conflict Analysis Project Livelihoods & Labour Rights, Gender
Out of sight out of mind. An inquiry into the patterns of exclusion for Persons With Disability in Tunisia | غائبون عن الأنظار. دراسٌة حول أنماط إقصاء الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة في تونس The Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action 2023

This report discusses the definition of disability in the Tunisian legislative framework by contextualizing it within the broader international and historical debate. It provides an overview of... [read more]

Socio-Economic Rights Base, Conflict Analysis Project Disability & Special Needs
Bailing out on rights: The high cost of an IMF deal in Lebanon. The Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action 2022

This policy report analyzes the winding road towards an agreement between the IMF and Lebanon, since the request of the government for IMF support, going over main conditions required by the IMF... [read more]

Socio-Economic Rights Base, Conflict Analysis Project Policy Interventions, Livelihoods & Labour Rights
An intersectional perspective on social (in)security. Making the case for universal social protection in Lebanon The Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action 2022

This policy brief analyzes the shortcomings of the social protection system in Lebanon against intersectional forms of discrimination. It questions the fragmentation and the deficiencies of the... [read more]

Socio-Economic Rights Base, Conflict Analysis Project Policy Interventions
