The Open Library Project
The Open Library Project is an online resource library with readily available reference books, reports, studies, guides and tools, and fact sheets relevant to civil society and civil society organisations’ work in Lebanon.
Dossiers are sub-libraries specific to certain events or themes
Cover Title Publisher(s) Publishing Year Synopsis Dossier Theme
Civil Society Review issue 5 - Challenging Power: Gender and Social Justice in the Middle East The Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action 2021

This issue assesses the current moment of crisis in the region through the lens of gender, contributing new ways of thinking about, and reacting to the current compounded crisis plaguing the SWANA... [read more]

Gender Equity Network Gender
Localising migration governance in the Middle East region. Towards human rights based policies and interventions Lebanon Support 2020

This policy brief builds on Lebanon Support’s transformative and interdisciplinary research on migration, mobility, and circulation in the region. It aims to build on comparative contextual... [read more]

Migration, Mobility and Circulation, Conflict Analysis Project Refugees, Mobility
A Practical guide for Civil Society Organisations in Lebanon on Communication & Visibility Lebanon Support 2020

NGOs now have a growing need for Information and Communication specialists, whose task usually consists of supporting the organisation by shedding light on its activities, organising its media... [read more]

Civil Society Observatory, Civil Society Resources Training & Capacity Building, Civil Society Development
A Practical Guide for Civil Society Organisations on Financial Management Lebanon Support 2020

Understanding your Civil Society Organisation’s finances is essential to guarantee proper decision-making in your organisation’s activities and to ensure that your financial operations and... [read more]

Civil Society Observatory, Civil Society Resources Training & Capacity Building, Civil Society Development, Humanitarian Financing & Resources
Civil Society Review Issue 4: “Challenging “Migration Governance” in the Middle East and Turkey: Dynamic Power Relations, Contested Interventions, and Individual Strategies” Lebanon Support 2020

The papers gathered in this special issue of the Civil Society Review, both explicitly or implicitly, challenge the way in which migration is “governed” in the Middle East and Turkey. They explore... [read more]

Migration, Mobility and Circulation Refugees, Mobility
A Practical Guide for Civil Society Organisations in Lebanon on Research Methods Lebanon Support 2020

Evidence-based research forms the backbone of any serious attempt to produce knowledge about society or understand... [read more]

Civil Society Observatory, Civil Society Resources Training & Capacity Building, Civil Society Development
A Practical Guide for Civil Society Organisations in Lebanon on Organisational Management Lebanon Support 2020

This guidebook aims to build the capacities of civil society organisations’ members, prepare them for using organisational... [read more]

Civil Society Observatory, Civil Society Resources Training & Capacity Building, Civil Society Development
A Practical Guide for Civil Society Organisations in Lebanon for ICT For Development Lebanon Support 2020

Information and Communication Technology is necessary to help organisations, as well as grassroots collectives to better communicate, plan, organise, implement, monitor, and develop programmes and... [read more]

Civil Society Observatory, Civil Society Resources Science & Technology, Training & Capacity Building, Civil Society Development
Reception Policies, Practices, and Responses RESPOND 2020

This report provides a contextual analysis of the provision of reception to asylum seekers in Lebanon, with a particular focus on the developments of the period spanning 2011 to 2019. Research... [read more]

Migration, Mobility and Circulation Refugees
Women's Political Participation in Lebanon and the Limits of Aid-Driven Empowerment Lebanon Support 2020

The question of women’s political participation in Lebanon could not be more timely. As of 17 October 2019, nation-wide protests have erupted in response to increasing austerity measures that... [read more]

Gender Equity Network Elections, Gender
