The July, 2006 Israeli War on Lebanon

Relief as a neutral form of aid or a political-communal mobilization? Doing politics in emergencies and war and the politics of aid in Lebanon

This case study explores the issues of neutrality and local commitment in providing assistance during war and conflict. It aims at placing the humanitarian principle of neutrality, a global principle of humanitarian assistance that posits a specific form and stance in providing aid, in conversation with local forms of political and communal mobilization of relief, by taking as an example the July war in 2006, and its aftermath.

Report on Psycho-social Support to Returnees and Communities Affected by War

This list is a compilation of activities that fall into the psycho-social support sector, showing the type of support, location, and partners.


South Analysis - Compiled Report

The July war 2006, lasted 34 days, and led to the displacement of 915,762 (almost 25% of the Lebanese population) persons, relocating into public and private schools all over the country. With the coming into force of the cease fire in August 14th 2006, there was a rapid return of the displaced to the south. Those whose homes were destroyed stayed at relatives or rented homes in less-affected villages. The war left behind it substantial impact on all levels, the estimate costs for the direct physical damage of the war on Lebanon counts up to 3,612 million US Dollars.

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