Conflict Analysis Project

Social Protection in Lebanon: The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) - الحماية الاجتماعية في لبنان: الصندوق الوطني للضمان الاجتماعي

The infographic below provides an overview of the exclusionary National Social Security Fund (#NSSF), that covers workers in the formal sector, excluding informal workers, but also the unemployed, the self-employed, and retirees. It offers targeted recommendations for reforms, that are especially needed in these times of acute crises.

News, updates, and announcements from our centre- آخر الأخبار والمستجدات والإعلانات من مركزنا

A newsletter by Lebanon Support 

Lebanon Support is a multidisciplinary space creating synergies and bridging between researchers, experts, civil society and NGO practitioners, and activists. Lebanon Support aims to foster social change through innovative uses of social science, digital technologies, and publication and exchange of knowledge.

هل يمكن لأزمة فيروس كورونا أن تُعيد وضع الحماية الاجتماعية على جدول أعمال السياسة العامّة في الشرق الأوسط؟-Can the Covid-19 crisis bring social protection back on the public policy agenda in the Middle East?

تهدف هذه الندوة إلى تسليط الضوء على تجارب وتحدّيات سياقية مختلفة تواجهها بلدان المنطقة، مع التركيز على الجهد المشترك الذي يمكن أن تبذله المجتمعات المدنية والاختصاصيون/ات والخبراء/خبيرات والناشطون/ات للدفع باتّجاه إرساء نهج قائم على الحقوق في جدول أعمال السياسة العامّة  

#OccupyBeirut: Re-Imagining the City Since the October 2019 Protests - #احتلوا_بيروت: إعادة تخيّل المدينة منذ احتجاجات تشرين الأول / أكتوبر ٢٠١٩

The mobilisation cycle that started in Lebanon as of the 17th of October 2019 witnessed a widening of the geographies of protests: from squares, highways, main roads intersections, commercial banks, politician’s houses, government buildings, and police stations. In this infographic, we focus on the occupation by protestors of emblematic spaces, notably in the capital, Beirut. Abandoned and previously inaccessible buildings, in addition to privatised coasts, have been continuously reclaimed as public spaces.


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