Cash Transfers Are Not The Answer, Examples from The World Building Towards Universality.


Cash transfers are routinely resorted to in response to acute economic crises and increased pauperism in the region and countries of the Global South. However, examples from various countries show that large segments of vulnerable populations were excluded from such poverty-targeting programmes that end up reinforcing dependency and disenfranchisement rather than addressing poverty and inequality. This series, first published on social media in July 2021, presented an overview of cash transfer programmes and their short-term and inefficient impact in countries of the region and the world. It made the case for universal social protection schemes which constitute a commitment to social solidarity, equity, and citizenship, as they are based on social rights, and define the social responsibilities of the state towards individuals.

Cash Transfers Are Not The Answer 1

Cash Transfers Are Not The Answer 2

Cash Transfers Are Not The Answer 3

Cash Transfers Are Not The Answer 4

Cash Transfers Are Not The Answer 5

Cash Transfers Are Not The Answer 6

Socio-Economic Rights Base, Conflict Analysis Project
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