Social Justice

ورقة موقف حول الاجتماعات السنوية للبنك الدولي وصندوق النقد الدولي: المقاربات عينها ستؤدي إلى النتائج عينها

عُقِدَت الاجتماعات[1] هذا العام على خلفية التحدّيات المتزايدة حول العالم. فبعد سنوات من تدابير التقشّف التي فرضها صندوق النقد الدولي والبنك الدولي، تقلصت برامج الحماية الاجتماعية الشاملة وبرزت في المقابل برامج تستهدف الفئات الأكثر فقرًا، ممّا جعلَ المجتمعات غير مستعدّة للتصدّي لجائحة كوفيد-١٩، أو لارتفاع معدّلات التضخّم، أو لتعادعيات الحرب الروسية-الأوكرانية وما نتجَ عنها من تعطيلٍ لسلاسل توريد المواد الغذائية ومصادر الطاقة.

Position Paper on the World Bank and IMF annual meetings: the same approaches will yield the same results

Each year, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group (WB) convene a meeting in a selected country, bringing together government officials, academics, and civil society organisations to evaluate the performance of the IMF and WB and deliberate on future prospects.

CSR issue 5: Challenging Power: Gender and Social Justice in the Middle East - Introduction

The present issue is the culmination of more than two years of work. During this time, our editorial team and our writers living in Lebanon faced countless disruptions to our normal working environments, beginning with the October 2019 Thawra; the COVID-19 pandemic and the government-enforced lockdowns beginning in early 2020; and the crippling economic and political crisis that has left Lebanon a shell of its former self.

Civil Society Review issue 5 - Challenging Power: Gender and Social Justice in the Middle East

This issue assesses the current moment of crisis in the region through the lens of gender, contributing new ways of thinking about, and reacting to the current compounded crisis plaguing the SWANA region. A further strength of this issue is the diversity with which authors use the terms “gender” and “feminist,” drawing attention to the ways that such terms are not “neutral;” rather, they are historically specific and signal established power dynamics, especially in the field of international development and humanitarian aid.


COVID-19 Vaccines: Is equity between North and South still possible?

The global supply of COVID-19 vaccines has been controlled by countries with financial and political means, leaving behind most of the world’s developing regions, including the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Almost 75 percent of the approximately 5 billion vaccine doses administered globally have been used by just 10 countries.[1]

Tunisia’s “Al-Ahyaa Al-Sha’Biya”: Socioeconomic Grievances, Mobilisation, and Repression

In 2021, Tunisia witnessed several political and socio-economic crises, which were further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The country had already been facing an acute economic contraction – described by the International Monetary Fund as the worst crisis since Tunisia’s independence in 1956 (IMF, 2021). In 2020, Prime Minister Hichem Mechichi indicated that the country had a negative growth rate of 6.5 percent and a public debt amounting to 86 percent of GDP (Chomiak, 2021).

Social justice in MENA | July 2021 bulletin - العدالة الإجتماعية في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا | نشرة تموز ٢٠٢١

A newsletter by Lebanon Support

Lebanon Support is a multidisciplinary space creating synergies and bridging between the scientific, practitioner, and policy spheres. Lebanon Support aims to foster social change through innovative uses of social science, digital technologies, and publication and exchange of knowledge.   


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