Social Protection

هل يمكن لأزمة فيروس كورونا أن تُعيد وضع الحماية الاجتماعية على جدول أعمال السياسة العامّة في الشرق الأوسط؟-Can the Covid-19 crisis bring social protection back on the public policy agenda in the Middle East?

تهدف هذه الندوة إلى تسليط الضوء على تجارب وتحدّيات سياقية مختلفة تواجهها بلدان المنطقة، مع التركيز على الجهد المشترك الذي يمكن أن تبذله المجتمعات المدنية والاختصاصيون/ات والخبراء/خبيرات والناشطون/ات للدفع باتّجاه إرساء نهج قائم على الحقوق في جدول أعمال السياسة العامّة  

Setting the Agenda towards Gender Equity

The 2018 parliamentary elections in Lebanon witnessed the largest participation of women in the country’s history with 86 out 113 female candidates making it on the final electoral lists (Baturni and Halinan 2018, 1-3). Yet, out of the 128 elected candidates, only 6 were women (The Daily Star 2018). More recently, since the October 2019 protests, women have been at the forefront of mobilisations, organising sit-ins, marches, demonstrations, and chanting feminist slogans.

Understanding the social protection needs of civil society workers in Lebanon. Towards strengthening social rights and security for all.

The social protection landscape in Lebanon is characterised by its fragmentation and exclusionary nature, leaving the most vulnerable and marginalised with little access to any kind of safety net. Workers in the civil society sector are particularly affected by this situation notably as a result of the increased casualisation of employment within the sector, and of more structural factors inherent to financing mechanisms and streams of nonprofits.


Access to Healthcare for Syrian Refugees. The Impact of Fragmented Service Provision on Syrians’ Daily Lives

This report aims to explore the fragmented organisation of healthcare services in Lebanon, for Syrian refugees. Although it is not an assessment of the Lebanese healthcare system, this report does nevertheless reflect on the challenges and underlying dynamics of the current Lebanese system, which are reproduced in the healthcare provision for Syrian refugees.



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