Inclusive Social Security

بيان حول اعتماد الاستراتيجية الوطنيّة للحماية الاجتماعيّة الأولى من نوعها في لبنان

يشيد مركز العلوم الاجتماعية للأبحاث التطبيقيّة (CeSSRA) باعتماد لبنان الاستراتيجية الوطنيّة الأولى للحماية الاجتماعيّة التي تشكّل نقطة محورية نحو العدالة الاجتماعية في البلد. وتمثّل هذه الاستراتيجية خطوةً حاسمةً لإرساء عقدٍ اجتماعيٍّ جديدٍ بين الدولة ومواطنيها، تكون الحقوق الاجتماعيّة إحدى ركائزه الأساسيّة.

Statement on Lebanon's adoption of its long-awaited National Social Protection Strategy

The Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action (CeSSRA) applauds Lebanon’s adoption of its first-ever National Social Protection Strategy which constitutes an important milestone towards social justice in the country. This strategy represents a crucial step in establishing a new social contract between the state and its citizens, with social rights as one of its main pillars. 

Bailing out on rights: The high cost of an IMF deal in Lebanon.

This policy report analyzes the winding road towards an agreement between the IMF and Lebanon, since the request of the government for IMF support, going over main conditions required by the IMF and their high social cost. The report critically highlights the risks of adopting one-size-fits-all austerity measures - as suggested by the IMF - and argues for the necessity to adopt a more integrated approach to the diagnosis of the crisis, and recovery and reform plan, beyond mere financial and macro-economic indicators. It concludes with recommendations tailored to the Lebanese context.

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