
Call For Papers by Lebanon Support - دعوة لتقديم الأوراق البحثية من قبل مركز دعم لبنان

Migration, mobility, and circulation in the Middle East: rethinking inequalities and informality

Lebanon Support is seeking submissions for the fourth issue of the Civil Society Review:

Migration, mobility, and circulation in the Middle East: rethinking inequalities and informality

Social Science for Change-العلوم الاجتماعية من أجل التغيير

Dear friends and colleagues,

Lebanon Support cordially invites you to the launch of the 3rd issue of the Civil Society Review and its editorial board:

Social Science for Change

Civil Society Review Issue 4: “Challenging “Migration Governance” in the Middle East and Turkey: Dynamic Power Relations, Contested Interventions, and Individual Strategies”

The papers gathered in this special issue of the Civil Society Review, both explicitly or implicitly, challenge the way in which migration is “governed” in the Middle East and Turkey. They explore how agency is articulated, shaped, and continuously adjusted in migration processes.



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