Conflict Analysis Project

Unprotected. Survey Report on The Challenges of The Current Social Protection System in Lebanon Amidst The Crisis.

This report analyzes the impact of the multilayered Lebanese economic crisis and its major macroeconomic shocks on the social protection landscape in Lebanon. It aims to examine the social protection mechanisms and effective health care systems and coverages in Lebanon, amid an ongoing social and economic crisis hitting the country since the financial collapse of late 2019. The study is based on a survey conducted between July and August 2022, with a nationally representative sample of 1,327 respondents of Lebanese nationality.


Out of sight out of mind. An inquiry into the patterns of exclusion for Persons With Disability in Tunisia | غائبون عن الأنظار. دراسٌة حول أنماط إقصاء الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة في تونس

This report discusses the definition of disability in the Tunisian legislative framework by contextualizing it within the broader international and historical debate. It provides an overview of the main regulations of the Tunisian legislative framework on disability, pointing out its legal and practical shortcomings and their impact on the accomplishment of social justice principles in the disability landscape.


ركائز مفقودة، الثغرات في نظام الحماية الاجتماعية في لبنان

نظام الحماية الاجتماعية في لبنان إقصائي وتمييزي ومشرذم، يتضمّن صناديق مختلفة، أبرزها الصندوق الوطني للضمان الاجتماعي. يرتبط الضمان الاجتماعي بالعمل النظامي، فيُحرَم جميع العاملين/ات في القطاع غير النظامي من الحماية. إضافةً إلى ذلك، لا تتوفّر الرعاية الصحّية الشاملة، ولا مخصّصات البطالة. وبهدف التخفيف من حدّة الفقر، اعتمدت الحكومات المتعاقبة على برامج المساعدة الاجتماعية وآليات الاستهداف.

Missing Blocks, The Gaps in Lebanon’s Social Protection System.

Lebanon’s social protection system is exclusionary, discriminatory, and fragmented by design, with various funds available, the largest being the National Social Security Fund (NSSF). Social security is tied to formal employment leaving all individuals in the informal sector with no protection. Moreover, universal healthcare is not available, nor unemployment allowances. With the aim of alleviating poverty, successive governments have relied on social assistance and targeting programmes.

Bailing out on rights: The high cost of an IMF deal in Lebanon.

This policy report analyzes the winding road towards an agreement between the IMF and Lebanon, since the request of the government for IMF support, going over main conditions required by the IMF and their high social cost. The report critically highlights the risks of adopting one-size-fits-all austerity measures - as suggested by the IMF - and argues for the necessity to adopt a more integrated approach to the diagnosis of the crisis, and recovery and reform plan, beyond mere financial and macro-economic indicators. It concludes with recommendations tailored to the Lebanese context.



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