Conflict Analysis Project

How can Syrian refugees in Lebanon access legal residency status and livelihoods?

This visual summarises findings from research by Lebanon Support looking into the impact of the Lebanese government's policies on Syrian refugees' daily lives, specifically: "Formal Informality, Brokering Mechanisms, and Illegality.

"A Shoulder to Lean On.” Towards Rights-Based Interventions and Policies for Syrian Refugees in Lebanon.

This policy brief analyses the socio-political implications of the so-called October policies, and suggests legislative, political, and practical measures to improve the situation of Syrian refugees in Lebanon. It also aims to inform policy formulation regarding Syrian refugees from a human rights-based perspective, while discussing modalities for enhanced programming at the civil society level.


Access to Healthcare for Syrian Refugees. The Impact of Fragmented Service Provision on Syrians’ Daily Lives

This report aims to explore the fragmented organisation of healthcare services in Lebanon, for Syrian refugees. Although it is not an assessment of the Lebanese healthcare system, this report does nevertheless reflect on the challenges and underlying dynamics of the current Lebanese system, which are reproduced in the healthcare provision for Syrian refugees.


The Conflict Context in Tripoli: Chronic Neglect, Increased Poverty, & Leadership Crisis.

This report provides an analysis of the current political, social and economic dynamics in Tripoli, Lebanon. The analysis begins with a brief overview of Tripoli’s history in the 20th century and the state’s securitisation efforts to contextualise the current social and political landscape. The report particularly focuses on how state policy towards the city, along with Tripoli’s special historical relationship with Syria, has contributed to ongoing armed conflict, economic stagnation, poverty and political fragmentation in Tripoli.


Access to healthcare for Syrian Refugees in Lebanon. The reproduction of a failed system?

Lebanon Support hosted a roundtable discussion on the 20th of October 2016,  on Syrian refugees’ access to healthcare in Lebanon. During this event, which was the third roundtable discussion of a series within our thematic project about the social effects of political & legal measures targeting Syrians in Lebanon, Miriam Younes (Karma) acted as our discussant.

Syrian Refugees' Livelihoods. The Impact of Progressively Constrained Legislations and Increased Informality on Syrians’ Daily Lives.

This report examines both the historical development and current situation of Syrians working in Lebanon through the analysis of policies established and implemented by the Lebanese government. While the report is not an assessment of these policies, it nevertheless reflects on its impact on Syrians’ working conditions and livelihoods. In this vein, this report notably focuses on emerging dynamics of increased informality, exploitation, and dependence.


Formal Informality, Brokering Mechanisms, and Illegality. The Impact of the Lebanese State’s Policies on Syrian Refugees’ Daily Lives.

This report seeks to provide an overview of Lebanon’s current policy towards Syrian refugees, and to explore the new rules and regulations issued by General Security regarding the entry, residency, and departure of Syrian nationals. It also analyses the challenges pertaining to the current policy and its impact on the daily lives of Syrian refugees, with a special focus on their emerging illegality, their struggle for decent livelihood and working conditions, and increased informality and insecurity.


Power & Governance Conflicts Mapped in Tripoli

These visuals look into incidents mapped in Tripoli as "Power & goevrnance conflicts" between July 2014 and June 2015. The first one details the kinds of incidents mapped, and highlights the frequency of each per month. While the map gives an overview of the main incidents and their respective locations.

Overview of Incidents on the Lebanese South Border

This map offers a quick overview of some of the main conflict incidents mapped on as "Border conflict (Israeli border)", without taking into considerationa airspace violations which are addressed in more details in this heatmap.


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