Conflict Analysis Project

Lebanon, a year in conflict.

This visual showcases trends of incident categories mapped in 2015 with their distribution by region and month, focusing on the six most mapped categories which are: Airspace violations, Arrests/detentions, Collective actions, Shootings, Raids, Heavy Artillery.

Actors and raids in conflicts of social discrimination

This visual looks into the actors and raids in incidents mapped and classified as social discrimination on our conflict mapping. Since our classifications includes social discrimination and social solidarity acts, the actors visualisation shows who is behind each behind social discrimination and social solidarity acts, and reflects the actions of small grassroots collectives, such as "Committee for The Fight Against Sectarianism and Racism", in mobilising against social discrimination.

بين "عرسال التي تحتضتن الارهاب" و "عرسال خط احمر" عرسال مطوقة من جميع الجهات

قبل عام 2011، كانت عرسال كالمناطق الأخرى المهمشة لا تصلها التنمية ولا المشاريع الحكومية ولا الخدمات العامة و بالكاد يسمع عنها. فلا صحف تكتب عنها ولا  قنوات تهتم بنقل أخبارها ومشاكلها، وفجأة أصبحت عرسال هي الخبر، احتلت العناوين الرئيسية في الصحف وبات اسمها يتردد يوميا في نشرات الأخبار و تصريحات السياسيين والحلقات الحوارية.

Air space violations by Israeli Military across Lebanon

This map visualises the instances of air space violations in Lebanon made by the Israeli military, analysing the original data in order to extrapolate the flight trajectory between the locations where the violation was recorded and reported. These breaches of Lebanese sovereignty happen so regularly that they become overlooked. However, the map shows that Israeli airplanes overfly all cazas of the country from South to North, with a higher concentration in the border areas of the South (specifically Nabatieh), and Baalbeck.

Between Radicalization and Mediation Processes: a Political Mapping of Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon*

* This paper, commissioned by Lebanon Support, is also a result of research done in the framework and with the support of the European Research Council (ERC) Program, “When authoritarianism fails in the Arab world (Wafaw)”. Its content is the sole responsibility of its author, and does not necessary represents the official view of the European Research Council.


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