
La famille un observatoire des sociétés en temps de guerre : Recompositions, ruptures et protections

Depuis la formation des États contemporains au Moyen-Orient, la guerre représente une expérience quasi permanente pour les peuples de cette région. L’établissement de l’État d’Israël sur les territoires de la Palestine historique en 1948, connu en arabe sous le nom de Nakba (catastrophe) a provoqué l’exode de centaines de milliers de Palestiniens vers les territoires de la Cisjordanie, de la bande de Gaza, ainsi que vers les pays voisins (principalement la Jordanie, le Liban et la Syrie)[1].

Civil Society Review issue 6 - War: a catalyst for the transformation of families in the Middle East. Case studies from Lebanon, Yemen, Palestine, and Syria.

The articles (scientific papers as well as testimonies) gathered in this issue constitute a timely reflection on the longitudinal and relational aspects of war and how they impact societies at large, and mold families on a smaller scale. The issue also offers insights on the reconfiguration of gender roles and shifting roles of women in societies in times of conflict.


Resistance, Gender, and Identity Politics: A Conversation with Rasha Younes

The opening seconds of the trailer for “If Not Now, When?” a video documentary about the experiences of trans and queer women during the October 2019 social movement, begins with Rana, one of the video’s subjects, reflecting on the reactions of some protesters to calls to denounce homophobia: “Some people say this issue has nothing to do with the revolution, why bring up homophobia in the revolution?” “No,” responds Rana, “there’s space for everything […] If we don’t make our voices heard now, we won’t be able to speak up later.”<

Achieving Long Term Goals on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) Protection in Lebanon


Nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) working on sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) protection and response in Lebanon aim to provide holistic services across the country with a survivor-centred approach. Many organisations provide services in-house, while other services require external referrals through a strong referral system. However, funding is scarce and government support is negligible. This is particularly evident in the areas of shelters and legal aid.


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