Civil Society Observatory

A Practical Guide for Civil Society Organisations in Lebanon on Research Methods

Evidence-based research forms the backbone of any serious attempt to produce knowledge about society or understand social, cultural, and political phenomena, behaviors,and attitudes, in order to devise the adequate responses and interventions (whether in programming or policy making). Hence, this module provides civil society organisations, actors, practitioners in Lebanon with basic concepts in research design and practical guidelines to optimise the use of research method tools in their work. 


A Practical Guide for Civil Society Organisations in Lebanon on Organisational Management

This guidebook aims to build the capacities of civil society organisations’ members, prepare them for using organisational management tools, and introduce them to good governance mechanisms.

It is divided into four main sections, with each section addressing topics related to CSO management and the different aspects thereof, as follows:


A Practical Guide for Civil Society Organisations in Lebanon for ICT For Development

Information and Communication Technology is necessary to help organisations, as well as grassroots collectives to better communicate, plan, organise, implement, monitor, and develop programmes and initiatives.

This guidebook strives to fulfill the preliminary needs of different small to medium CSOs in better using technology in their daily tasks. It targets team members fulfilling different roles in an organisation, and assumes the team has basic digital literacy.


Understanding the social protection needs of civil society workers in Lebanon. Towards strengthening social rights and security for all.

The social protection landscape in Lebanon is characterised by its fragmentation and exclusionary nature, leaving the most vulnerable and marginalised with little access to any kind of safety net. Workers in the civil society sector are particularly affected by this situation notably as a result of the increased casualisation of employment within the sector, and of more structural factors inherent to financing mechanisms and streams of nonprofits.


Civil Society in Lebanon: the Implementation Trap

The term “civil society” generally refers to a variety of actors that are seperate from the state. For this report, we adopt a broad definition of civil society, that considers it as the “realm that exists between the state, the market, and the individual” (Kingston, 2013:6). It hence encompasses formal and informal structures, community associations (jam’iyat ahlia) (Ben Nefissa, 2002: 12), non-governmental organisations, syndicates, cooperatives, faith based organisations, and trade unions, amongst others.

A Practical Guide for Civil Society Organisations in Lebanon towards Proposal Writing

This guide provides you with the tools needed to facilitate the proposal writing process and securing funds, by explaining the criteria upon which most donors base their decisions to provide funding, while taking into account the subtle differences between one donor and another. In the first section, we focus on defining the concept of funding grants, in addition to how to identify our funding needs, how to select funding partners for a said project, and how to target partners and persuade them of the proposed idea.



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