Gender Equity

CSR issue 5: Challenging Power: Gender and Social Justice in the Middle East - Introduction

The present issue is the culmination of more than two years of work. During this time, our editorial team and our writers living in Lebanon faced countless disruptions to our normal working environments, beginning with the October 2019 Thawra; the COVID-19 pandemic and the government-enforced lockdowns beginning in early 2020; and the crippling economic and political crisis that has left Lebanon a shell of its former self.

A Practical Guide for Civil Society Organisations in Lebanon towards Gender Mainstreaming (En-Ar)

This Gender Manual is a practical guide for civil society organisations in Lebanon that wish to enhance gender equity in their practices and policies. Far from being exhaustive, this manual contains practical guidelines that can help to both gain a better understanding of gender-sensitive topics, as well as to integrate and implement them in internal processes, action plans, and organisational structures and policies. It is informed by the findings of a series of meetings and consultations with various stakeholders engaged in gender issues.

Gender Equity bulletin, Issue 3, April 2015

Issue 3, April 2015


About the newsletter

Why the Gender Equity Newsletter?

Civil Society Review issue 1 - Revisiting Inequalities in Lebanon: the case of the "Syrian refugee crisis" and gender dynamics

The objective of the Civil Society Review is to bring civil society practitioners, experts, activists, and researchers together to develop knowledge, as well as to innovate new tools and practices so as to strengthen Lebanon’s civil society and its voice. The Civil Society Review produces evidence-based research and analysis and disseminates findings and recommendations to promote civic engagement, shape policies, and stimulate debate within civil society spheres in Lebanon.


محاولة في قراءة الذكورة وإعادة تعريفها

محاولة في قراءة الذكورة وإعادة تعريفها


ما هي الذكورة وما هي الذكورية؟

السؤال الأوّل الذي طرحته لنفسي عند بداية كتابة هذا المقال هو: "ماهي الذكورة؟ وكيف نصنّف سلوكيات أو أفعال معيّنة كذكورية او أنثوية؟".


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