Title | Actors/Parties Involved | Description | Date of incident | Death toll | Number of Injured | Sources of Conflict | Security Incident Category |
Demonstration in Riad El Solh Square | Lebanese Civilians |
On 19 Apr 16, at 1700hrs, in Beirut, a demonstration organized by the Syndicate Coordination Committee (SCC) was held in Riad El Solh square to protest the corruption and the closure of the state’s institutions. |
Tuesday, April 19, 2016 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Demonstrations in Beirut regarding internet scandal | Lebanese Civilians, Government of Lebanon (GoL) |
On 20 Apr 16, dozens of persons from different political youth groups gathered outside the Telecoms Ministry in Downtown Beirut to demand all those involved in the illegal internet scandal be held accountable. Members of the Progressive Socialist Party, the National Liberal Party, Free Patriotic Movement, the Kataeb Party, the Future Movement, the Independent Movement and the Lebanese Forces took part in the gathering. Members of the activist group We Want Accountability gathered at the protest site to give a statement but pulled out before the rally began. |
Wednesday, April 20, 2016 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Sit-in in Samir Kassir Garden-Downtown | Lebanese Civilians |
On 30 Apr 16, at 1600hrs, activists called for a sit-in to protest against the violent clashes in Aleppo-Syrian resulting the death of civilians in front of Samir Kassir Garden-Downtown Beirut. |
Saturday, April 30, 2016 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Demonstration in front of ESCWA | Palestinian Civilians/Refugees |
لمناسبة الذكرى الاربعين ليوم الارض الفلسطينية، نظمت الجبهة الديمقراطية لتحرير فلسطين اعتصاما شعبيا امام المقر الرئيسي للامم المتحدة وسط مدينة بيروت بمشاركة عدد من ممثلي الاحزاب اللبنانية والفصائل الفلسطينية وجمهور فلسطيني من ابناء مخيمات بيروت. |
Wednesday, March 30, 2016 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Kataeb Students Stage Demo over Trash Crisis, Demand Resignation of CDR Head | Lebanese Kataeb Party |
On 28 Feb 16, the student department of the Lebanese Phalanges Party marched from Saifi to the government's headquarters and the Council for Reconstruction and Development to condemn the authorities' failure to resolve the waste management crisis that has been running since last summer. The students also staged a sit in outside the Grand Serail, amid strict security measures by anti-riot police. They demanded the resignation of CDR Chief Nabil al-Jisr if he does not want to perform his duties. |
Sunday, February 28, 2016 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Sit-in organized by Committee for teacher’s apprentices in Riad El Solh | Lebanese Civilians |
وطنية - نفذت لجنة المتابعة للمدرسين المتمرنين في التعليم الاساسي الرسمي، اعتصاما في ساحة رياض الصلح، وتلا باسم اللجنة ركان الفقيه بيان، شكر فيه المعتصمين لتحملهم "عناء القدوم من اقصى الشمال والجنوب والبقاع والجبل وكل مناطق لبنان والعاصمة بيروت للمشاركة باضراب واعتصام اليوم في هذه الساحة التي تحولت الى مقصد لنا منذ سنوات طويلة". واستغرب "استمرار الحكومة ووزارة التربية في عدم اتخاذ الاجراءات القانونية الضرورية، من اجل المباشرة بالدورة التدريبية المطلوبة منا كشرط للتثبيت في ملاك وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي، بالرغم من مرور ما يقارب الست سنوات على نجاحنا في المباراة التي اجراها مجلس الخدمة المدنية للمدرسين المتعاقدين في التعليم الاساسي الرسمي في العام 2009 والاربع سنوات على التعيين كمدرسين متمرنين في العام 2013 ناهيك عن السنوات الطويلة التي كنا فيها نؤمن سير عمل المدارس الرسمية كمدرسين متعاقدين في التعليم الاساسي الرسمي". وسأل "مجلس الوزراء الذي يجتمع على بعد امتار من هنا، هل ان اجراء دورة تدريبية في كلية التربية يتطلب كل هذه السنوات من الانتظار؟ ما معنى ان تحتاج دورة تدريبية لما يقارب 500 مدرس في كلية التربية كل هذا الوقت والتحرك والاعتصام؟ لا شك بأن الجواب يدل على حجم الكارثة التي يواجهها التعليم الاساسي الرسمي في لبنان والمستوى الخطير للمعاناة التي يواجهها المعلمون في هذا القطاع على كافة المستويات والتي تحتاج الى أضعاف مضاعفة من الوقت والجهد والكلفة المالية، مما تحتاجه دورة تدريبية في كلية التربية في الجامعة اللبنانية، انها المهزلة بعينها والتي لن نقبل باستمرارها، مهما كلف الامر من اشكال التحرك اضرابا واعتصاما وتظاهرا الى ان يتم الاعلان عن موعد بدء الدورة التدريبية المطلوبة، وفتح باب كلية التربية امامنا اليوم قبل الغد، وانجاز تلك الدورة دون اي مماطلة او تأخير". أضاف: "ان الانتظار ما يقارب الاربع سنوات من اجل انجاز الدورة التدريبية العتيدة تجاوز كل الحدود والصبر والتحمل، خصوصا ان العام الدراسي بدأ يقترب من نهايته بالتالي فان استمرار التأخير في اجراء الدورة المطلوبة عاما جديدا سيؤدي الى نتائج كارثية على مستوى اوضاعنا الحياتية". وجدد "التأكيد بأن هذا التحرك لن يتوقف حتى تحقيق مطلبنا بتحديد موعد لبدء الدورة التدريبية المطلوبة منا كشرط للتثبيت في ملاك وزارة التربية، بل ان هذا التحرك سيتصاعد اضرابا واعتصاما وتظاهرا وبكل اشكال الوسائل الاعتراضية التي يكفلها لنا الدستور من اجل المطالبة بحقوقنا". |
Thursday, March 3, 2016 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Demonstration in Riad El Solh Square | Lebanese Civilians |
نظّمت حملة «الشعب يريد إصلاح النظام» اعتصاما في ساحة رياض الصلح، مقابل مبنى الإسكوا، تزامنا مع زيارة الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة بان كي مون. |
Saturday, March 26, 2016 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Syria opposition supporters mark war anniversary in Beirut | Syrian Civilians/Refugees, Lebanese Civilians |
Around 100 people gathered in Martyr’s Square in central Beirut to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the start of the Syrian civil war. The majority of the protesters were Syrians, but some Lebanese also participated in the demonstration. They chanted slogans calling for freedom and demanded Syrian President Bashar Assad step down. One banner read: “The foot of a Syrian child is greater than the biggest minister.” They held a large tri-color flag used by the Syria opposition which represented the country during the French mandate era. |
Saturday, March 19, 2016 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
18 Arrested, 4 Injured as Activists Storm Environment Ministry | Lebanese Civilians, ISF(internal security forces) |
Demonstrators and security forces scuffled outside the environment ministry in Beirut on Thursday after several civil society activists stormed the building to protest the authorities' failure to resolve the waste problem. Anti-riot police pushed back “We Want Accountability” and “You Stink” protesters who called for more transparency on a plan to export Lebanon's garbage. The protest was held after around 15 members of the two groups entered the Azarieh building in downtown Beirut and sat on the floor, clapping and shouting slogans against the authorities for failing to resolve the seven-month waste problem. The 15 protesters were later arrested by police along with three demonstrators who intercepted the vehicle that was carrying the detainees outside the building. The eighteen activists were taken for questioning, according to an Internal Security Forces statement. Two protesters and two policemen were injured in the scuffles, the ISF said. |
Thursday, January 14, 2016 | 0persons | 4persons | Arrest/Detention, Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...], Raid | |
Security reinforcement at Central Inspection Building | Lebanese Civilians, ISF(internal security forces) |
Internal Security Forces units arrived at the Central Inspection building, in the wake of the "Popular Movement" protests, as the NNA correspondent reported. |
Thursday, January 7, 2016 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...], Military/Security Forces Deployment | |
Lebanon hostage families stand in solidarity with Palestinians | Families of abducted soldiers [Arsal Clashes], Palestinian Civilians/Refugees |
Families of the Lebanese servicemen held hostage on the northeastern border held a gathering Monday in solidarity with Palestinians, who have been rising up against Israeli occupation since the beginning of the month. The gathering was organized by the hostage families and the Lebanese-Palestinian Youth Gathering in Downtown Beirut’s Riad al-Solh Square. |
Monday, October 19, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Gathering in Downtown - Beirut | Lebanese Civilians |
On 15 Oct 15, at 1800hrs, in Martyr’s square Downtown area, supporters and friends of Brigadier General Chamel Roukoz organized a thankful gathering to show their respect and gratefulness for his military fulfilment and national sacrifices. |
Thursday, October 15, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Protests at Military Tribunal, Interior Ministry to Press for Release of Detainees | Lebanese Civilians |
Civil society activists held sit-ins near the military tribunal in the Mathaf area and the Interior Ministry in Sanayeh on Friday to call for the release of those detained during a protest they held a day earlier in downtown Beirut. |
Friday, October 9, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Road blockage in front of Ministry of Interior | Lebanese Civilians |
On 09 Oct 15, at 1908hrs, civil society activists blocked the road in front of the Ministry of Interior to demand the release of the detainees of Thursday night’s protest in Downtown Beirut. |
Friday, October 9, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...], Unlawful Detention | |
Activists, Police Clash Near Energy Ministry | Lebanese Civilians |
Activists from “We Want Accountability” movement and security forces clashed on Tuesday near the Energy Ministry after the protesters blocked one of the facility's entrances. |
Tuesday, September 29, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Security reinforcements near Annahar Daily | Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) |
Security Forces reinforcements have been deployed behind the barbwire next to Annahar Newspaper building, National News Agency correspondent reported on Tuesday. |
Tuesday, September 22, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Military/Security Forces Deployment | |
Downtown Demonstration | Lebanese Civilians, Lebanese Resistance Regiments (AMAL) |
More than 1,000 people marched Sunday from the eastern Beirut suburb of Burj Hammoud to the capital's Central District in a largely peaceful demonstration against Lebanon's political elite and to call for sustainable solutions to the country's two-month-old garbage crisis. |
Sunday, September 20, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Brawl/Dispute, Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Gunmen Open Fire at al-Jadeed Building | Armed militants |
Unknown assailants opened fire at dawn Saturday at al-Jadeed television building in Beirut, the state-run National News Agency reported. NNA said the incident took place around 2:30 am. |
Saturday, September 19, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Shooting | |
38 detained, 10 injured in fresh Beirut clashes between police, protesters | Lebanese Civilians |
Security forces detained at least 38 activists Wednesday from crowds attempting to gain entrance to Beirut's Nejmeh Square, where politicians launched the second round of national dialogue talks at the Parliament. |
Wednesday, September 16, 2015 | 0persons | 11persons | Arrest/Detention, Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...], Unlawful Detention | |
Heavy security as protesters gather in Downtown Beirut | ISF(internal security forces), Lebanese Civilians, Families of abducted soldiers [Arsal Clashes] |
Security forces deployed in force Wednesday ahead of a mass demonstration expected to be stage concurrently to the second round of National Dialogue talks in Beirut's Nejmeh Square. |
Wednesday, September 16, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...], Military/Security Forces Deployment | |
Protest Outside Finance Ministry over Salaries of MPs | Lebanese Civilians |
Civil society activists held a protest near the finance ministry in Beirut on Tuesday to stop the transfer of the salaries of lawmakers whom they accuse of being corrupt. Police immediately deployed in the area to stop the protesters from entering the building similar to when demonstrators stormed the environment ministry earlier this month to demand the minister's resignation. The activists from “We Want Accountability” and "Go Away" also protested when two of the movement's members were unable to leave the building after police blocked the entrance. |
Monday, September 14, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Families of detained protesters demand their release | Lebanese Civilians |
Families of youths arrested by police during the Aug. 29 anti-government protest in Downtown Beirut demonstrated in the same area Monday evening to demand their release. The detained protesters, according to their families, are accused of rioting and causing damage to public and private property. |
Monday, September 14, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...], Unlawful Detention | |
March towards the Ministry of Environment | Lebanese Civilians |
On 14 Sep 15, at around 2000hrs, citizens marched from the Martyr’s square towards the Ministry of Environment in support of the hunger strikers.مسيرة-شموع-بساحة-الشهداءتضامنا-المضربين-الطعام-اما |
Monday, September 14, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Young men attempt to remove barbed wires facing Grand Serail | Lebanese Civilians |
A number of young men who took part in Wednesday evening's sit-in at Martyrs' Square have headed in the direction of the Grand Serail, in an attempt to remove the barbed wires facing it, while throwing firecrackers at the security forces, NNA correspondent reported. |
Wednesday, September 9, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Crowds brave sandstorm in latest trash protest |
Several thousand protesters poured into Downtown Beirut’s Martyrs’ Square Wednesday despite a sandstorm to participate in the latest demonstration by the You Stink campaign against the political class and the garbage crisis. |
Wednesday, September 9, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | ||
'People's Court' Activists File Complaint Against Mashnouq | Lebanese Civilians |
The newly formed activist group dubbed the People's Court asserted on Sunday that they have filed a complaint against Environment Minister Mohammed al-Mashnouq for neglecting the waste management crisis that led to the spread of diseases. |
Sunday, September 6, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
FPM holds massive demonstration in Martyrs' Square to pressure government | Free Patriotic Movement |
Thousands of Free Patriotic Movement supporters gathered in Martyrs' Square in Downtown Beirut Friday for a massive demonstration aiming at exerting political pressure on the government to accede to the party's demands. |
Friday, September 4, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Activists in Hunger Strike for Minister Resignation as 2 Held for Disabling Parking Meters | Lebanese Civilians |
Several anti-trash activists began a hunger strike Thursday outside the Environment Ministry in Beirut to press for Minister Mohammed al-Mashnouq's resignation as two protesters were arrested in Ain el-Mreisseh for disabling parking meters that were recently installed in the area. |
Thursday, September 3, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Arrest/Detention, Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Security forces arrest two persons for hurling firecrackers | Lebanese Civilians |
Security forces are trying to disperse the demonstrators in front of the Ministry of Environment, and arrested two persons who tossed firecrackers at security men, NNA Correspondent reported on Tuesday. |
Tuesday, September 1, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Protest ongoing as police clear Ministry of Environment | Lebanese Civilians, ISF(internal security forces) |
Riot police cleared You Stink campaign protesters Tuesday from the Environment Ministry in Downtown Beirut, hours after activists began a sit-in calling for the minister’s resignation over the protracted trash crisis. |
Tuesday, September 1, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
10 Arrested after Saturday Rally Marred by Rioters | Lebanese Civilians, ISF(internal security forces) |
Security forces announced on Sunday that ten people were arrested following Saturday's civil society protest that took a violent turn as night set in. |
Sunday, August 30, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Arrest/Detention | |
Thousands of Lebanese Demonstrate against 'Corrupt' Politicians, Issue Ultimatum | Lebanese Civilians, Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF), Internal Security Forces (ISF) |
Thousands of anti-government protesters marched on Saturday from the interior ministry in the capital's Hamra thoroughfare to downtown Beirut's Martyrs Square in an anti-government protest organized by civil society, which is frustrated with the political class. "You Stink,” which started as an online movement, is the main activist group behind the protest. A “You Stink” member said in a speech at the protest that its battle will continue until the resignation of Environment Minister Mohammed al-Mashnouq and the election of a president. |
Saturday, August 29, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Beirut Separation Wall Removed 24 Hours after Installment | Lebanese Civilians |
Prime Minister Tammam Salam gave instructions on Tuesday to remove a concrete wall installed by the authorities in downtown Beirut a day after violent protests. |
Wednesday, August 26, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
ISF arrested Lebanese, Syrians and Palestinians for their involvement in terrorism and forgery | Syrian Civilians/Refugees, ISF(internal security forces) |
On 26 Aug 15, In the framework of the follow-up activities of terrorist groups and sleeper cells affiliated, and tracing networks active in the field of forgery and fraud and the smuggling of people, ISF arrested the following wanted persons: Syrian national charged of smuggling Syrians to Lebanon through fake hotel reservations fake and forged identity cards. |
Wednesday, August 26, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Arrest/Detention | |
Fresh violence jolts Beirut, Cabinet in disarray | Lebanese Civilians |
Fresh violence erupted between security forces and protesters in Downtown Beirut Tuesday night as the Free Patriotic Movement’s ministers and their allies withdrew from a Cabinet session over partnership, throwing the government into further disarray. The Cabinet rejected during an extraordinary session earlier in the day the results of the call for tenders that Environment Minister Mohammad Machnouk had announced Monday to manage Lebanon’s waste, saying the prices were too high, but it approved $100 million of investments in Akkar as an incentive to establish a large garbage dump in the northern district. Security forces scuffled with protesters in Downtown Beirut and arrested a number of them as hundreds of activists continued their sit-in in Riad al-Solh Square to denounce the government’s policies and its failure to resolve the trash crisis, demanding its resignation. Riot police used batons to beat back protesters who crossed a barbed wire barrier near the Grand Serail hours after authorities, on Prime Minister Tammam Salam’s orders, removed a giant concrete blast wall that had been erected a day earlier at the same location. The Lebanese Red Cross said it transported at least seven injured people to hospitals. Protesters smashed some shop fronts on Banks Street and broke advertisement billboards in Riad al-Solh Square, the National News Agency reported. Dozens of police pushed back protesters and chased them away from surrounding streets. One man was bleeding from his head after being struck with a police baton, and a woman was wailing after she said police struck her arm. |
Wednesday, August 26, 2015 | 0persons | 7persons | Brawl/Dispute, Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Hundreds return to Downtown Beirut after weekend violence | Lebanese Civilians |
Several hundred people gathered in Downtown Beirut Monday in honor of those wounded during weekend clashes with security forces and to demand authorities be held accountable for police violence. But the gathering was not a protest officially called on by the You Stink group, which organized Saturday and Sunday's evening rallies at Riad al-Solh Square. Rather, the citizens who gathered in the square Monday appeared to have gone on their own initiatives, and it was unclear if the rioters who stirred violence at Sunday's rally would attempt to return. You Stink wrote on its Facebook page that its supporters would gather at Riad al-Solh at 7:30 for a candlelight vigil, but the gathering did not resemble the massive protests that descended into violence over the weekend in which they demanded the government's resignation. "We do not want to topple the government, nor are we calling for parliamentary elections. We just want electricity, water and to live in a clean environment," one man told Al-Manar TV from the protest square, in a dramatic shift of demands heard the previous two nights. Another man had his head wrapped in a bandage, telling reporters that he was wounded during Sunday's protest. He said his injury did not deter him from returning. "As much as they try to scare us, they [will fail]," said another man. |
Monday, August 24, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Hundreds return to Downtown Beirut after weekend violence | Lebanese Civilians |
Several hundred people gathered in Downtown Beirut Monday in honor of those wounded during weekend clashes with security forces and to demand authorities be held accountable for police violence. But the gathering was not a protest officially called on by the You Stink group, which organized Saturday and Sunday's evening rallies at Riad al-Solh Square. Rather, the citizens who gathered in the square Monday appeared to have gone on their own initiatives, and it was unclear if the rioters who stirred violence at Sunday's rally would attempt to return. You Stink wrote on its Facebook page that its supporters would gather at Riad al-Solh at 7:30 for a candlelight vigil, but the gathering did not resemble the massive protests that descended into violence over the weekend in which they demanded the government's resignation. "We do not want to topple the government, nor are we calling for parliamentary elections. We just want electricity, water and to live in a clean environment," one man told Al-Manar TV from the protest square, in a dramatic shift of demands heard the previous two nights. Another man had his head wrapped in a bandage, telling reporters that he was wounded during Sunday's protest. He said his injury did not deter him from returning. "As much as they try to scare us, they [will fail]," said another man. |
Sunday, August 23, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Security forces erect concrete wall outside Grand Serail in Downtown Beirut | ISF(internal security forces), Lebanese Civilians |
Security forces erected massive concrete barriers near the Grand Serail in Beirut's Riad al-Solh Square after a weekend of violent protests demanding the government's resignation. The wall was erected in the same area where police and protesters faced off Saturday and Sunday, with some demonstrators trying to tear down a barb wire barrier to reach the Grand Serail. Activists from the You Stink group insisted that those who tried to breach the barrier were not affiliated with its movement, accusing political parties of sending hooligans to provoke violence with security forces. Hundreds were wounded in the weekend clashes, which transformed into riots Sunday evening with young men destroying cars and store fronts.Two protesters tried to prevent the installation of the walls Monday. They said in comments to Al-Jadeed television that the wall was "uncivilized", highlighting the right of the people to peacefully protest. |
Monday, August 24, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Military/Security Forces Deployment | |
32 'rioters' arrested after Beirut clashes left 99 policemen wounded: ISF | Lebanese Civilians, Lebanese Red Cross/Crescent |
The Internal Security Forces said police arrested 32 "rioters" after clashes with anti-government protesters in Downtown Beirut Sunday left 99 policemen wounded. An ISF statement also acknowledged that several protesters were wounded in the confrontation with police in Riad al-Solh in Downtown. “The ISF regrets the events that accompanied the Beirut action, and confirms that its task is to protect the right to peaceful demonstration of citizens who do not resort to the use of violence or attack public and private property," the statement said. The Lebanese Red Cross said a total of 402 people were hurt during the clashes that broke out Saturday. |
Sunday, August 23, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Arrest/Detention, Assault | |
Rioters engage in sabotage acts in Bshara El Khoury and Salim Salam areas | Lebanese Civilians |
"Rioters are causing damages to public and private properties as they engage in acts of sabotage and robberies, namely in the areas of Bshara el-Khoury and Salim Salam, alongside Central Beirut," NNA correspondent reported shortly. |
Sunday, August 23, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Police fired tear gas, water cannon to disperse anti-trash protesters | Lebanese Civilians |
On 22 Aug 15, police used tear gas and water cannon to disperse thousands of anti-garbage demonstrators in downtown Beirut's Riad al-Solh square and to stop them from moving towards the nearby Nejmeh Square. The protesters said, however, they were adamant to stay in Riad al-Solh Square and urged all the Lebanese people to join them. The demonstrators chanted anti-government slogans to pressure the authorities to resolve the country's growing waste crisis. The protesters were seeking to march towards the parliament in Nejmeh Square but security forces had put barricades to prevent them from reaching the legislature. |
Saturday, August 22, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...], Military/Security Forces Deployment | |
Declaration of Winning Waste Management Bids Postponed as Activists Scuffle with Police | Lebanese Civilians |
A committee tasked with evaluating waste management tenders on Wednesday postponed declaring the winning bids pending further assessment, as anti-trash protesters scuffled with security forces outside the Council for Development and Reconstruction where the meeting was held. “It is necessary to have more than one evaluation for every region,” said Environment Minister Mohammed al-Mashnouq after the meeting. “The declaration of the winning bids has been postponed to Tuesday for further evaluations,” he said. Meanwhile, security forces fired water cannons to disperse dozens of protesters from the You Stink campaign after some of them tried to remove the barricades and barbed wire outside the CDR and the Grand Serail. Protesters shouted slogans against the authorities over the failure to address the garbage crisis as some of them hurled eggs towards the Grand Serail. |
Thursday, August 20, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Arrest/Detention, Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Beirut Port Employees Protest Decision to Dump Trash in Block AB | Lebanese Civilians |
Employees of the Beirut Port held a sit-in on Thursday protesting an alleged government decision to use a nearby real estate as a dump site. MTV said that more than 100 employees staged the sit-in and prevented trucks transporting goods from entering the port causing long queues at the Port entrance. Reports have said that a decision was made to use block AB in the Port as a dump site for the waste that has been accumulating in several areas. Head of the Union of Beirut Port Employees Beshara al-Asmar told LBCI: “Today's move is only a warning against dumping wastes in the Port's vicinity.” “We will not accept the capital's trash to be accumulated in the Port. Moreover it will affect the employees' health,” warning of escalatory measures. In July, a waste-management crisis swept through the capital and Mount Lebanon after the closure of the Naameh landfill that received trash from the said areas. |
Thursday, August 13, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
FPM Supporters Stage Motorized Protests, Hold Central Rally at Martyrs Square | Lebanese Civilians, Free Patriotic Movement |
Free Patriotic Movement supporters staged motorized protests on Wednesday and organized a central rally at Beirut's Martyrs Square, following a call by MP Michel Aoun to demonstrate against the extension of the mandate of top military officers in an attempt to put pressure on the government of Prime Minister Tammam Salam. |
Wednesday, August 12, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Anti-trash Activists Slam Officials in New Protest, Call for Mashnouq's Resignation | Lebanese Civilians |
“You Stink" campaign activists held a protest in downtown Beirut on Saturday to shed light on the country's ongoing waste management crisis and to pour their anger on officials for failing to find a solution to the problem. The demonstrators, who gathered in Martyrs Square, criticized the authorities for lacking the ability to resolve the garbage crisis that erupted when the landfill in the town of Naameh, south of Beirut, was closed on July 17. The sweltering heat and the stinking, rotting garbage in Beirut and Mount Lebanon provoked the outcry from the activists who said the officials should be held accountable. They called for the resignation of Environment Minister Mohammed al-Mashnouq and shouted “the people want to bring down the regime.” |
Saturday, August 8, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Lebanese protest against waste-disposal crisis | Lebanese Civilians |
Residents and activists from across Lebanon have protested in central Beirut against the government's failure to address a mounting waste-management crisis. |
Saturday, July 25, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Protesters demand release of Beirut ‘trash attack’ activist | Lebanese Civilians |
Dozens of protesters rallied Wednesday outside the Beirut Justice Palace to demand the release of Tarek al-Mallah, who is accused of attacking Social Affairs Minister Rashid Derbas’ car during an anti-trash demonstration one day earlier. “Tarek was speaking for all of us,” a protester said from the Justice Palace. “His anger reflects the people’s current mood of anger in the country over the trash crisis.” Mallah was arrested Tuesday hours after he allegedly attacked Derbas as the minister was traveling in his car near the Interior Ministry on Spears Street in Hamra. |
Wednesday, July 29, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Protests after 4 Anti-Trash Activists Held over Incident with Derbas' Car | Lebanese Civilians |
Two sit-ins were held Wednesday to protest the arrest of four anti-trash demonstrators over the interception of the car of Social Affairs Minister Rashid Derbas during a Tuesday march. In the morning, activists and friends of the four young men held a sit-in outside the Justice Palace while in the evening a rally was held outside the nearby Social Affairs Ministry. The protesters later marched to the Justice Ministry building. |
Wednesday, July 29, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Arrest/Detention, Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Cars Go Up in Flames as Protesters Continue Burning Waste in Beirut | Lebanese Civilians, Civil Defense |
Two cars went ablaze Monday evening in the Beirut area of Karakol al-Druze and several citizens suffered suffocation after young men set fire to trash dumpsters to protest the accumulation of garbage on the streets, state-run National News Agency reported. |
Tuesday, July 28, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...], Fire | |
'You Stink' Campaigners Back to the Streets of Beirut | Lebanese Civilians |
Anti-trash activists blocked on Tuesday several roads in Beirut to protest the authorities' failure to find a permanent solution to the waste crisis. |
Tuesday, July 28, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Furious residents block Beirut roads with burning trash | Lebanese Civilians |
Dozens of angry citizens blocked a major road near Downtown Beirut with burning garbage Friday to protest the government's failure to remove the giant mounds of trash that have gone uncollected over the past week. Traffic ground to a halt when about 50 people moved trash from the sides of streets onto Beshara Khoury Boulevard and set fire to it, sending a putrid odor across the area. They also set fire to garbage on side streets. |
Friday, July 24, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...], Fire | |
Sit-in at Riad Solh Square demanding the government to address the waste crisis | Lebanese Civilians |
On 21 July 15, a sit-in was organized by a group of people whom demanded the government to address the waste crisis. |
Tuesday, July 21, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
ISF: the arrest of 17 people for acts of crime | ISF(internal security forces) |
On 01 Jun 15, ISF reported that a number of people on charges of committing criminal acts were arrested as follows: - Sixteen people on the offense of fraud and falsifying documents to facilitate the movement of people from Lebanon to European, Asian and African countries operations. |
Monday, June 1, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Arrest/Detention | |
Families of Captive Servicemen briefly close Riad Solh again | Families of abducted soldiers [Arsal Clashes] |
On 30 May 15, the families of the captive servicemen who were abducted in Arsal by armed militants briefly closed Riad al-Solh area in Beirut, voicing fear over the fate of their children. The families did not close the road for long and was reopened shortly. |
Saturday, May 30, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Protesters demand greater protection for domestic violence victims | Lebanese Civilians |
On 30 May 15, hundreds of protesters marched in Beirut demanding greater protections for victims of domestic violence. Activists, civil society groups and media personnel rallied in front of the National Museum at 1400hrs, marching towards the Justice Ministry. Relatives and friends of female victims of domestic abuse carried out posters that featured pictures of the victim, the date of the crime, the man accused and his judicial status. The demonstration was organized almost two weeks after Sara al-Amin, the latest victim in an ongoing epidemic of violence against women, was shot dead by her husband. |
Saturday, May 30, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Security Forces reopened a road that leads to BCD square | ISF(internal security forces), Families of abducted soldiers [Arsal Clashes] |
On 28 May 15, the Security Forces reopened a road which leads to downtown square. (The road was closed after families of the abducted LAF/ISF members being held hostage by ISIL and Al Nusra Front erected tents in the area eight months ago to pressure the government to take action). However, another road that passes towards the Grand Serail remain closed. |
Thursday, May 28, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
LAF arrests 47 Syrians for illegally entering Lebanon | Syrian Civilians/Refugees, Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) |
NNA - The Lebanese Army on Friday arrested 47 Syrian individuals for illegally entering Lebanese territories and over links to terrorist organizations, a Lebanese Army communiqué said. |
Friday, May 29, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Arrest/Detention | |
Lebanon marks Labor Day amid unresolved wage crisis | Lebanese Communist Party |
Lebanon marked Labor Day with a rally celebration organized by the Lebanese Communist Party, as officials congratulated workers on the occasion. The rally started with a march from Barbir Square to Parliament in downtown Beirut with dozens of workers and supporters raising red banners and the party flag. The party’s secretary-general, Khaled Hadadeh, lashed out in a speech at Lebanon’s politicians, accusing them of holding the country a hostage to foreign powers. “[Our] politicians are not free in economy or politics, they wait for foreign powers to choose a president for them,” he said, referring to two failed attempts to elect a new president. “This nation is ours and we will fill the [power] vacuum,” he said. Ghassan Ghosn, the head of the GLC, also spoke, expressing hope that workers will see their demands met. “Labor Day comes this year as we are calling for social justice... and we can sense the joy of the occasion because it is accompanied with a struggle for workers to get their rights,” he said. Sidon MP Bahia Hariri also congratulated Lebanon's workers “who build, manufacture, grow and seek to provide a livelihood for their families.” For his part, Kataeb MP Sami Gemayel tweeted his congratulations to the Lebanese public and hoped this year would bring job opportunities for the unemployed. |
Friday, May 1, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Demonstration in BCD- Beirut | Palestinian Civilians/Refugees |
On 30 Apr 15, hundreds of Palestinian nationals demonstrated in Downtown - Beirut against Lebanon's decades-old employment restrictions. The protestors demanded an end to discrimination against Palestinians in the Lebanese job market since the Lebanese labor law largely confines Palestinians to work in agriculture and construction industries. |
Thursday, April 30, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Murderer of Syrian Child Arrested |
The murderer of a Syrian child was arrested on Tuesday after he confessed to his crime, reported LBCI television. It said that Ahmed Walid al-Basha, who hails from Syria's Tall Kalakh, confessed to killing Syrian Walid Halloum. He admitted to murdering the 14-year-old boy by strangling him with a metal wire as he attempted to rape him. Halloum, who went missing on Sunday, was found dead on the banks of the river in the town of al-Kuwaikhat in the northern Akkar district. NB: Please note that the report did not mention a specific location for this security incident. |
Tuesday, March 24, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Arrest/Detention | ||
ISF detains suspect linked to Azzam Brigades | ISF Intelligence Branch, Abdullah Azzam Brigades |
A terror suspect with links to Abdullah Azzam Brigades emir Sirajeddine Zureiqat has been arrested by Lebanese security forces, according to a report published Wednesday by Al-Akhbar. Lebanon’s Military Court has issued an arrest warrant and a death sentence against Zureiqat in absentia. Like other jihadi groups, the Abdullah Azzam brigades have justified their attacks in Lebanon by pointing to Hezbollah's intervention in the Syrian conflict on the side of government forces. NB: Please note that the report did not mention a specific location for this security incident. |
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Arrest/Detention | |
Gathering of LAF families in BCD-Beirut | Families of abducted soldiers [Arsal Clashes] |
On 15 Mar 15, at 1100hrs, the families of killed LAF soldiers gathered in Downtown-Beirut to protest against any settlement with wanted persons involved with clashes with LAF. |
Sunday, March 15, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Arrest of 12 Lebanese and one Palestinian in Beirut | ISF(internal security forces), Lebanese Civilians, Palestinian Civilians/Refugees |
On 13 Mar 15, Beirut police headquarters stopped 12 Lebanese and one Palestinian over various crimes and booked 19 motorcycles and 15 cars. |
Friday, March 13, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Arrest/Detention | |
Two Lebanese, one Palestinian arrested over unfortunate ferry file | ISF(internal security forces) |
NNA - A patrol from the Intelligence Branch affiliated with the Interior Security Forces (ISF) arrested three women (Two Lebanese, One Palestinian) over the background of the ferry which sank while sailing from Libya to Italy with Lebanese and Palestinians on board, National News Agency correspondent in Sidon reported on Thursday. |
Thursday, March 12, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Arrest/Detention | |
Security forces thwart attempt to smuggle 150,000 Captagon pills to Saudi Arabia | Lebanese Civilians, ISF(internal security forces) |
An attempt to smuggle 150,000 captagon pills to Saudi Arabia was thwarted recently through cooperation between authorities from Lebanon and the kingdom, the Internal Security Forces announced in a statement on Friday. It said that the pills were concealed in paintings, packed, and then shipped by mail to Saudi Arabia. Upon their arrival in the kingdom, Saudi police arrested three people who had showed up to receive them. Their accomplice in Lebanon, identified as A.M., was also arrested, said that central anti-drug bureau in the judicial police department. Each pill is estimated to cost $20 dollars, placing the price of the entire shipment at around $3 million. |
Saturday, March 7, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Arrest/Detention, Illicit Trade/Trafficking/Smuggling | |
Hundreds of Assyrians protest ISIS kidnappings in Beirut |
On 28 Feb 15, Hundreds of Assyrians marched in Downtown Beirut in solidarity with their brethren abducted by ISIS in Syria earlier this week. The protesters began their afternoon march at Martyr's Square and headed towards the ESCWA building where they demanded that the United Nations take action. |
Saturday, February 28, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | ||
Arrest of ten Lebanese nationals and one Syrian nationals for various crimes and detaining cars and bikes for violations | Lebanese Civilians, Syrian Civilians/Refugees |
On 21 Feb 15, ISF arrested ten Lebanese nationals and one Syrian national, wanted for various crimes and booked 11 motorcycles and 15 car for violation. |
Saturday, February 21, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Arrest/Detention | |
Intense Israeli over flights |
Intense Israeli over flights have been signaled all over the country, Yarzeh-based Army Directorate of Guidance stated in its military communiqué today. In no less than five instances of Israeli violation of Lebanese airspace, spy drones and warplanes overflew on each sortie in formations of two. Affecting their usual u-turn maneuvers over parts of the country before returning to base inside the 1948 occupied zone, the same communiqué concluded. |
Sunday, February 1, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Air Space Violation | ||
Sit-in in Riad el Soleh area |
On 01 Feb 15, at 1330hrs, in Riad el Solh Square, a national sit-in is scheduled to place to protest the high prices and to reject the insult of citizens. |
Sunday, February 1, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | ||
Army arrests Kassem Taljeh for hosting Jabal Muhsin suicide attackers | Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) |
The Lebanese Army Command's Guidance Directorate on Wednesday issued a statement saying that the army intelligence managed to catch Kassem Taljeh who has been discovered to be the one who hosted the suicide attackers of Jabal Mohsin. Investigations over the security incident of Jabal Muhsin are still underway. NB: Please note that the report did not mention a specific location for this security incident. |
Wednesday, January 21, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Arrest/Detention | |
Beirut holds sit-in in solidarity with Paris anti-terror march | Lebanese Civilians, Local Residents |
On 11 Jan 15, Journalists and officials joined a solidarity sit-in in downtown Beirut that was scheduled to coincide with a historic anti-terror march in Paris. Carrying banners expressing support for the victims of the deadly attack on French weekly Charlie Hebdo, foreign ambassadors and Lebanese journalists flocked to the Samir Kassir Square in central Beirut. The symbolic rally was organized by the Skeyes Center for Media and Cultural Freedom, which was founded two years after the 2005 assassination of Lebanese journalist and historian Samir Kassir. Information Minister Ramzi Jreij, Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Awadh Asiri, EU ambassador to Lebanon Angelina Eichhorst, lawmakers and March 14 figures were all present at the sit-in. |
Sunday, January 11, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
One killed, 19 injured in 9 road accidents |
One person met his fate and 15 others got injured in 9 road accidents within the last 24 hours across Lebanon, the Traffic Management Center said on Monday. |
Monday, January 5, 2015 | 1 person | 19persons | Car Accident | ||
3 killed, 17 injured in 9 road accidents |
The Traffic Management Center said on Friday that 3 people died and 17 people got injured in 9 car accidents within the last 24 hours. |
Friday, January 2, 2015 | 3persons | 17persons | Car Accident | ||
Clash between Grand Serail guards, kidnapped soldiers' families | Families of abducted soldiers [Arsal Clashes] |
A clash took place between the Grand Serail guards and the family of the kidnapped soldiers, the NNA correspondent reported. The guards prevented the soldiers' relatives from burning tires and reaching the Serail's main entrance, while the Crisis Management Cell was in session under Premier Salam's chairmanship. |
Tuesday, December 16, 2014 | 0persons | 0persons | Clashes/Armed Conflict, Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Solidarity with the abducted activits: a demand from Beirut to free them all |
A year ago, on December 9, four Syrian activists were kidnapped in the town of Douma, near the Syrian capital, allegedly by the armed opposition group Army of Islam. In commemoration of that event, a global campaign was launched to highlight the plight of these four. In Lebanon, the campaign was widened to include hundreds of thousands of political prisoners held across the region in the hands of governments and armed factions. ”[T]hey [the Douma4] represent the Syrian people empowered, aware of their strength when they act collectively, and above all they show that the people refuse any form of submission to authoritarianism.” – Joseph Daher, leftist academic On December 9, 2013, masked armed men burst into the offices of the Violations Documentation Center (VDC), an independent NGO that documents human rights violations in Syria by the Syrian regime and armed opposition groups. Four people were promptly whisked away to an unknown location. The four are: Razane Zaitouneh, her husband Wael Hamadeh, and their two colleagues, Samira Khalil, and Nazem Hammadi. On her part, Zaitouneh is a well known Syrian human rights lawyer who was predominately concerned with defending the rights of political prisoners since 2001. She played a role in founding the Human Rights Association in Syria and the Syrian Human Rights Information Link, both of which caught the attention of authorities who banned her from traveling out of the country in early 2002. When the Syrian uprising began, she played a role in establishing the Local Coordination Committee (LCC) and the VDC, as well as other projects related to providing basic needs and essential services to areas that were besieged by violence. Her husband, Hamadeh, is a human rights activist who opposed the regime years before the Syrian uprising began in 2011. Once the uprising started, Hamadeh was detained twice by the regime for his membership and work with the LCC and other organizations. The third person, Khalil, wife of Syrian intellectual Yassin Hajj Saleh, had a long history struggling for political change in Syria that resulted in her imprisonment for four years under Hafez al-Assad's rule. She participated in the Damascus Declaration, a 5-page document created in 2005 that demanded peaceful reform, and was involved with a number of organizations related to human and political rights in Syria. The final person, Hammadi, is a Syrian lawyer and poet, who worked within the LCC and provided aid to Syrians internally displaced from the violence. The kidnapping is suspected to have been conducted by members of the armed opposition group, Army of Islam, established by Zahran Alloush – son of a Saudi-based religious scholar – that operates chiefly in the neighborhoods of Douma and Eastern Ghouta. Many suspect that the abduction was carried out do to the VDC's criticisms and documentation of violations by the Army of Islam in the area. As Joseph Daher, a Syrian-Swiss leftist academic and activist, noted for Open Democracy, “The main reason behind the abduction is that these activists represent a threat to some groups, just as they do to the Assad regime. They represent the Syrian people empowered, aware of their strength when they act collectively, and above all they show that the people refuse any form of submission to authoritarianism.” The plight of the Douma4, as they have been dubbed, has been lingering to date. Despite the prominence of Zaitouneh among the international human rights arena, there has been no tangible attempts by neither nations, international organizations, political Syrian opposition groups, nor the Syrian regime to seek their release. For its part, human rights organizations drafted an open letter that was released on Tuesday to reassert the importance of the matter. Ultimately, the Douma4, like many others, are left in the mercy of the unknown. In an attempt to spotlight their continued abduction over the course of the year, a global campaign was launched by various Syrian activists and their supporters, under the slogan of “The Kidnapper of a Revolutionary is a Traitor.” For Lebanon, around 30 activists gathered Tuesday evening in downtown Beirut, at the Gibran Khalil Gibran Garden facing the ESCWA headquarters. The demonstration here was mainly organized by the Socialist Forum, and a statement was drafted and signed by seven other organizations like the feminist Sawt al-Inswah, Beirut Walls, Syria Untold, and the Female Syrian Journalist Network. Unlike other protests world-wide – such as in Ireland, Greece, Holland, and in Syria – that concentrated solely on the Douma4, the protest in Beirut expanded the call to include the estimated 70,000 to 100,000 Syrians in the prisons of the Syrian regime, the 17,000 Lebanese missing since the end of the civil war, the ongoing issue of the abducted Lebanese soldiers and policemen, and the thousands upon thousands of political prisoners in Palestine, Bahrain, Egypt, and elsewhere. Slogans, banners, and chants at the modest protest was critical of the Syrian armed opposition groups, but also Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the Syrian regime, the Lebanese state, sectarianism, racism, and oppression. “We consider both the Syrian regime and the armed opposition groups counter-revolutionary,”said Farah Kobaissy, a member of the Socialist Forum who participated in Tuesday's protest. “The kidnapped, like Razane, and Wael, and the rest, follow revolutionary principles within their work that others are trying to erase. This demonstration is to support the kidnapped and those abducted, whether they are Lebanese in the hands of ISIS or Syrians in the hands of the Syrian regime, because they are all part and parcel of the same struggle, a battle that all the people of the region are involved in for real freedoms and democracies and actual changes.” ”[O]ur mobilization doesn't stop with Syria, it also calls for the immediately release of political prisoners in Bahrain, Saudi, or in Sisi's prisons in Egypt. All these people are part of the same struggle.” – Farah Kobaissy, Socialist Forum member“Supporting the [Douma4], is to support the Syrian revolution and is supporting the revolutions in the region. Our mobilization doesn't stop with Syria, it also calls for the immediately release of political prisoners in Bahrain, Saudi, or in Sisi's prisons in Egypt. All these people are part of the same struggle,” she said. Indeed, the power and potency of solidarity across communities is often ignored in many similar campaigns, and a holistic discourse that ties together various forms of oppression is far from the absolutist discourses and narratives found prevalent the mainstream. One of the core aims of the protest is a desire to proliferate the concept of inter-sectional solidarity, especially in matters like Syria that continues to be utterly divisive. The organizers and participants are aware of the immense obstacles and undertaking required to further their cause. “Who are we directing this campaign to tonight?” Camil Dagher, lawyer and member of Socialist Forum, rhetorically asked during a brief speech. “Who are we demanding to stand against the kidnapping and to liberate all the kidnapped in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and the rest of the Arab region?” “The issue demands that we self-reflect completely with what's happening, and with the mobilizations against the status quo today,” he added. “There will be no ability to free all those kidnapped today without combining with a larger mass movement, whether in Syria, or Lebanon, or in Iraq. This movement has to be built, and this is a demand of the revolutionary left. And if this does not happen, all our campaigns and mobilizations will be illegitimate and fail.” While Tuesday’s protest was symbolic, organizers and participants were adamant that they will continue to build networks, pursue acts of solidarity, and circulate discourses that challenge narratives pushed forward by those in power. Their goal “to liberate everyone” will be dependent on the strength of these solidarity networks, their ability to connect with the public-at-large, and on how violent the state and elites’ responses will be. |
Tuesday, December 9, 2014 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | ||
Families of kidnapped soldiers reopen BCD roads | Families of abducted soldiers [Arsal Clashes] |
Following a meeting with Public Health Minister, Wael Abu Faour, Saturday evening, families of the abducted soldiers have re-opened the roads to Saifi, Beirut Port and Annahar Newspaper Building after cutting them off for several hours earlier during the day, NNA correspondent reported. The families returned to their sit-in tents at Riad el-Solh Square, where they are currently discussing their upcoming moves. |
Saturday, December 6, 2014 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Families of abducted soldiers block Annahar newspaper road | Families of abducted soldiers [Arsal Clashes] |
The families of abducted soldiers cut-off the road leading to Annahar newspaper in downtown Beirut on Saturday. |
Saturday, December 6, 2014 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
ISF arrests 75 wanted individuals for committing several crimes | ISF(internal security forces) |
Internal Security Forces (ISF) arrested yesterday (Tuesday) 75 wanted individuals for committing several crimes: Killing, Shooting and theft, ISF directorate said. NB: no specific location reported |
Wednesday, December 3, 2014 | 0persons | 0persons | Arrest/Detention | |
LAF Intelligence arrests Sheikh AlAssir supporter | Lebanese Military Intelligence |
The Lebanese Army Intelligence Services arrested on Tuesday Darwish Mallah, who is a fugitive and supporter of Salafist Sheikh Ahmad el Assir, the NNA correspondent reported. |
Tuesday, November 25, 2014 | 0persons | 0persons | Arrest/Detention | |
ISF arrests one of dangerous chemical experts | ISF(internal security forces) |
The General Directorate of Internal Security Forces issued on Tuesday a communique saying that after many thorough observations that lasted for about two months, the security forces managed to catch B. Carbozov (born in 1967 in Bulgaria) who is considered as one of the most dangerous chemical experts in producing the captagon. *No specific location reported. |
Tuesday, November 25, 2014 | 0persons | 0persons | Arrest/Detention | |
Families of abducted soldiers burn tires on Riad el-Solh square |
The families of the abducted Lebanese soldiers, held hostage by islamists of the al-Nosra Front and the Islamic State since the beginning of August, have burnt tires on Riad el-Solh square in the center of Beirut on Monday to call for the liberation of the soldiers. The families of the Lebanese military men held hostage by the islamists from al-Nosra front and the Islamic State decided on Monday to block "all the roads in Beirut", as part of a strategy to obtain the immediate liberation of their relatives. |
Monday, November 17, 2014 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | ||
Kidnapped soldiers' families protest at Riad Solh Square using burning tires | Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF), ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)) |
Families of the kidnapped soldiers protested Sunday evening at Riad Solh Square in downtown Beirut using burning tires, after receiving communication from the kidnappers threatening to end the lives of 7 soldiers, in wake of failure to drop the life sentences against 5 Islamist militants held in Roumieh Prison. |
Sunday, November 16, 2014 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Riot police blocks road in front of parliament | Civil Movement for Accountability |
A force from the riot police closed a while ago the maritime road in front of the parliament to prevent protesters of the Civil Activists Movement from heading towards Nejmeh Square. |
Wednesday, November 5, 2014 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Scuffle breakes out between ISF, Civil Activists | ISF(internal security forces), Civil Movement for Accountability |
Some youth from "Civil Movement for Accountability" tried a to prevent one of the members of the parliament from entering the parliament, an issue that led to a clash between them and the Interior Security Forces. |
Wednesday, November 5, 2014 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Sit-in by Civil Movement for Accountability at Riyadh elSolh | Civil Movement for Accountability |
The Civil Movement for Accountability staged Tuesday evening a sit-in at Riyadh el-Solh Square in Beirut's Central District, in protest against extending the Parliament Council's mandate, on the eve of holding the Parliamentary session scheduled for this purpose. |
Tuesday, November 4, 2014 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
A car bomb explosion in BCD Beirut killed former prime minister Rafic Hariri and 22 others | Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri |
February 14, 2005: A car bomb explosion in downtown Beirut killed former prime minister Rafic Hariri and 22 others. Basil Fuleihan, MP and formerly the minister of the Economy and Trade, who was traveling with Hariri at the time of the explosion, died on April 18, 2005, as a result of his wounds. |
Monday, February 14, 2005 | 23persons | 1 person | Assassination, Explosion, Suicide Bombing/Car Bomb | |
More families join sit-in after father of soldier Mohammad Youssef receives call from ISIS: 3 days left before you lose your children | Families of abducted soldiers [Arsal Clashes] |
A large group of families of the abducted soldiers joined the sit-in at Riad Solh Square and a third tent was set up. |
Thursday, October 9, 2014 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] | |
Two Israeli planes breach South Lebanon airspace |
An Israeli reconnaissance plane violated the Lebanese airspace at 12:35 p.m. on Wednesday from above the Southern Lebanese village of Rmeish, and then effectuated U-shaped flights in the skies of South Lebanon, to later leave towards the occupied Palestinian territories at 11:10 p.m. from above Rmeish village, a Lebanese Army communiqué said on Thursday. At 3:20 a.m. on Wednesday, a similar plane violated the Lebanese airspace from above Naquora and effectuated U-shaped flights in the skies of South Lebanon, as well as Beirut and its suburbs. |
Thursday, September 11, 2014 | 0persons | 0persons | Air Space Violation | ||
Security forces inspect Sunday Market | ISF(internal security forces) |
Security forces carried out on Saturday a thorough inspection of the souk known as Sunday Market (Souk el Ahad) and checked the identities and legal status of foreigners present there. This inspection comes as part of preventative measures taken to protect the country of any terrorist attack. A number of people who had no identification papers on them were arrested. NNA reporters said the inspection caused traffic in the region of Hayek-Sin el Fil- Fiat. |
Saturday, June 21, 2014 | 0persons | 0persons | Arrest/Detention, Raid | |
Zhgorta municipality head killed in car accident |
Zghorta municipality head, Toufic Mouawad, passed away on Thursday in Haddad Hospital, Beirut, where he was transferred after being critically injured at dawn in a horrible car accident, National News Agency correspondent in Zghorta, Farid Bou Francis, reported. The accident took place today at 4:45 a.m. on Quarantina high way next to Sukleen Company building in Beirut between a black "7Q Audi" with plate number 10896 and a big truck carrying plate number 330113, which was parked on the road side. |
Monday, August 18, 2014 | 1 person | 0persons | Car Accident | ||
At least 30 arrested in Hamra, raid operations underway | Armed militants |
Raid operations are still on the go in the Beirut region of Hamra, where at least 30 suspects, who had entered Lebanon with Arab passports, have been as yet arrested, National News Agency correspondent reported on Friday. Information said that these terrorist groups were planning a huge attack during a celebration that was scheduled to take place today before noon at UNESCO Palace, by reaching the event location via unsuspicious means. |
Friday, June 20, 2014 | Arrest/Detention | |||
Verdun, Sanayeh crossroad blocked with strict security measures | ISF(internal security forces) |
NNA field reporter in Beirut on Friday said the security forces are adopting strict security measures on the crossway leading to Verdun and Sanayeh by blocking off the crossroad with a truck for the Internal Security Forces, while the traffic has been allowed solely for small cars along a path leading to Verdun. |
Friday, June 20, 2014 | Military/Security Forces Deployment | |||
Security Forces arrest 12 suspects at hotel in Hamra | ISF Intelligence Branch, General Security |
Security forces arrested at a hotel in Hamra 12 people suspected of belonging to terrorist groups who have entered Lebanon in a bid to carry out terrorist acts. Our correspondent pointed out that investigations were underway with the arrestees. A joint force of the Information Branch and the General Security had raided the hotel in Hamra after receiving information about the presence of a dangerous wanted person inside. |
Friday, June 20, 2014 | Arrest/Detention | |||
U.S. Ambassador kidnapped and killed |
U.S. Ambassador Francis Melloy, his economic advisor, Robert Waring, and the embassy’s driver were kidnapped on the East/West Beirut border and killed by unidentified assailants. Two days later 263 foreigners left the country. |
Wednesday, June 16, 1976 to Friday, June 18, 1976 | 2persons | Assassination, Hostage Taking Situation [inc. attempt, release] | |||
Syrian Army continues shelling West Beirut | Syrian Armed Forces |
The Syrian Army heavily shelled residential areas in West Beirut (namely Sanayeh and Hamra) and the Palestinian camps, at a rate of one bomb every six minutes. At least 78 people were killed, 147 wounded, and 12 bodies were found in downtown Beirut. |
Wednesday, June 9, 1976 to Thursday, June 10, 1976 | 78persons | 147persons | Bombardment | |
Kataeb take control of Port of Beirut | Lebanese Kataeb Party, Al-Murabitoun (Independent Nasserist Movement) |
Meanwhile, in downtown Beirut, fighting between the Kataeb and Murabitun was ongoing. Widespread looting of banks and hotels took place. The Kataeb took control of the Beirut port and, during the course of several weeks, systematically looted it to generate revenues. |
Monday, April 12, 1976 | Clashes/Armed Conflict, Robbery/Trespassing | |||
Hotel district battle | Lebanese Kataeb Party, Palestinian Groups, Al-Murabitoun (Independent Nasserist Movement), Progressive Socialist Party (PSP) |
On December 8, 1975, in retaliation for Black Saturday, the Murabitun, Progressive Socialist Party (PSP), and Palestinian militias launched an attack against the Kataeb in downtown Beirut and the hotel district. The hotel district battle flared up again in March 1976, when the pro-Palestinian Lebanese militias drove out the Kataeb from there and also in Ain al-Mreisseh. |
Monday, December 8, 1975 | Clashes/Armed Conflict | |||
Kataeb attack on BCD | Lebanese Kataeb Party |
The Kataeb launched an attack downtown. During the attack, the souks were burned and looted by the militias from all sides. Most buildings in the downtown area were burned or destroyed by the bombardments, including a hotel that collapsed, causing numerous victims. Snipers were targeting the Lebanese and Syrian fire brigades, which had been dispatched from Syria to help their Lebanese counterparts, even as they were trying to reach fallen victims. |
Wednesday, September 17, 1975 | Bombardment, Clashes/Armed Conflict, Shooting, Building Collapse | |||
Fighting resumes in North and Beirut |
Fighting resumed in Zahleh, Tripoli, and Zgharta, with heavy weaponry. Most Christians fled from Tripoli as well as the Christian villages in the Akkar, and they headed toward the Christian-populated region of Kesrouan, in the northern suburbs of Mount Lebanon. In parallel, tension was on the rise in the capital, paving the way for a resumption of violence. On September 13, 1975, the Dekwaneh-Tel al-Zaatar front in East Beirut flared up, and in the following days, clashes spread to front-line zones, namely Ain al-Remmaneh-Chiyah and—for the first time—downtown Beirut. Snipers, positioned at all the city’s main entry points, were shooting at children, women, and men. Some historians reported that scores of civilians were killed at crossroads, under the bridges, and especially in the areas separating Christian areas from Muslim ones. |
Saturday, September 13, 1975 | Clashes/Armed Conflict, Murder, Shooting |