Civil Society

Mapping of solidarity initiatives in Lebanon, Focus on CSOs space in Lebanon during lockdown | January 2021-مسح لمبادرات التضامن في لبنان - تأثير الإغلاق العام على الفضاء المدني ومساحة عمل المجتمع المدني | كانون الثاني/يناير ٢.٢١

Lebanon Support is undertaking a mapping of solidarity initiatives and aid and humanitarian response interventions in Lebanon. This survey focuses particularly on the effect of the lockdown on operational and civic space.

Data collected through this survey will be displayed in open access on the Daleel Madani website with the aim of enhancing coordination efforts, identifying gaps in interventions, and informing programming and strategizing. Ultimately, the data will help make the case for the importance to maintain humanitarian and civic space in the country. 

Understanding the social protection needs of civil society workers in Lebanon. Towards strengthening social rights and security for all.

The social protection landscape in Lebanon is characterised by its fragmentation and exclusionary nature, leaving the most vulnerable and marginalised with little access to any kind of safety net. Workers in the civil society sector are particularly affected by this situation notably as a result of the increased casualisation of employment within the sector, and of more structural factors inherent to financing mechanisms and streams of nonprofits.


Civil Society Review issue 3 - Unraveling “Civil Society:” Policy, Dependency Networks, and Tamed Discontent. Reflections from Lebanon and Palestine

The articles gathered in this issue of the Civil Society Review offer insights, based on case studies, into the transformation of the “associative sector” in Lebanon, a sector generally seen to be at the core of an increasingly active civil society. Four of these studies relate to Lebanon, while the fifth brings a welcome comparison with the Palestinian case. It also includes a review of a book that investigates the Lebanese and Libyan contexts. 



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