
Mapping of solidarity initiatives in Lebanon, Focus on CSOs space in Lebanon during lockdown | January 2021-مسح لمبادرات التضامن في لبنان - تأثير الإغلاق العام على الفضاء المدني ومساحة عمل المجتمع المدني | كانون الثاني/يناير ٢.٢١

Lebanon Support is undertaking a mapping of solidarity initiatives and aid and humanitarian response interventions in Lebanon. This survey focuses particularly on the effect of the lockdown on operational and civic space.

Data collected through this survey will be displayed in open access on the Daleel Madani website with the aim of enhancing coordination efforts, identifying gaps in interventions, and informing programming and strategizing. Ultimately, the data will help make the case for the importance to maintain humanitarian and civic space in the country. 

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