Civil Society Organisations

مقاربة شاملة ومتعددة الجوانب لقضايا المرأة في سياق الحرب نبذة عن عمل المنظّمة النسوية السورية: "النساء الآن من أجل التنمية"

تأسّست منظّمة "النساء الآن من أجل التنمية"[1] عام 2012 بمبادرة من الروائية السورية سمر يزبك[2]، وهي منظّمة غير حكومية تضمّ اليوم أكثر من مئة سيّدة سورية (بين موظّفات ومتطوّعات) في سوريا وبلاد الاغتراب.

Une approche holistique et intersectionnelle de la question féminine en contexte de guerre. L’action de Women Now for Developpement, organisation féministe syrienne

Fondée en 2012 à l’initiative de l’écrivaine syrienne Samar Yazbek[1], Women Now for Developpement (WND)[2] est une organisation non gouvernementale qui réunit aujourd’hui plus de cent femmes syriennes (employées et volontaires) en Syrie et en exil. Elle a pour but de protéger les femmes, de promouvoir leur émancipation et leur participation politique, ainsi que de produire un savoir sur et pour les femmes.

A Practical guide for Civil Society Organisations in Lebanon on Communication & Visibility

NGOs now have a growing need for Information and Communication specialists, whose task usually consists of supporting the organisation by shedding light on its activities, organising its media campaigns and communicating with external parties, which would yield bene ts to the organisation’s projects in the  eld of development, charity or change.


A Practical Guide for Civil Society Organisations on Financial Management

Understanding your Civil Society Organisation’s finances is essential to guarantee proper decision-making in your organisation’s activities and to ensure that your financial operations and processes are in line with the financial and accounting guidelines and principles. It can also ultimately support the sustainability of your organisation as a whole.

This Financial Management Guide is a basic tool to assist accountants and financial managers with making well-in- formed decisions regarding CSO management.



A Practical Guide for Civil Society Organisations in Lebanon on Research Methods

Evidence-based research forms the backbone of any serious attempt to produce knowledge about society or understand social, cultural, and political phenomena, behaviors,and attitudes, in order to devise the adequate responses and interventions (whether in programming or policy making). Hence, this module provides civil society organisations, actors, practitioners in Lebanon with basic concepts in research design and practical guidelines to optimise the use of research method tools in their work. 


A Practical Guide for Civil Society Organisations in Lebanon on Organisational Management

This guidebook aims to build the capacities of civil society organisations’ members, prepare them for using organisational management tools, and introduce them to good governance mechanisms.

It is divided into four main sections, with each section addressing topics related to CSO management and the different aspects thereof, as follows:


A Practical Guide for Civil Society Organisations in Lebanon for ICT For Development

Information and Communication Technology is necessary to help organisations, as well as grassroots collectives to better communicate, plan, organise, implement, monitor, and develop programmes and initiatives.

This guidebook strives to fulfill the preliminary needs of different small to medium CSOs in better using technology in their daily tasks. It targets team members fulfilling different roles in an organisation, and assumes the team has basic digital literacy.


A Practical Guide for Civil Society Organisations in Lebanon towards Proposal Writing

This guide provides you with the tools needed to facilitate the proposal writing process and securing funds, by explaining the criteria upon which most donors base their decisions to provide funding, while taking into account the subtle differences between one donor and another. In the first section, we focus on defining the concept of funding grants, in addition to how to identify our funding needs, how to select funding partners for a said project, and how to target partners and persuade them of the proposed idea.


A Practical Guide for Civil Society Organisations in Lebanon towards Gender Mainstreaming (En-Ar)

This Gender Manual is a practical guide for civil society organisations in Lebanon that wish to enhance gender equity in their practices and policies. Far from being exhaustive, this manual contains practical guidelines that can help to both gain a better understanding of gender-sensitive topics, as well as to integrate and implement them in internal processes, action plans, and organisational structures and policies. It is informed by the findings of a series of meetings and consultations with various stakeholders engaged in gender issues.
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