Gender Equity Network

"'Let’s Talk about Sex': Rethinking sexual rights and reproductive health programmes in Lebanon"

On the 6th of October, Lebanon Support hosted a roundtable discussion about sexual rights and reproductive health programmes in Lebanon. The event was the 3rd roundtable discussion of a series, within our thematic project Gender Equity Information and Research Network. The discussants were Caroline Sukkar and Rola Yasmine. The discussion analyzed how sexual and reproductive rights are viewed in Lebanese patriarchal society today.

“Donor policies and local actors: complementarity or dependency? Women’s organisations in Lebanon and their relationships with international donors”

On the 30th of April, Lebanon Support hosted a roundtable discussion about women’s organisations in Lebanon and their relationships with international donors, questioning the ability of these organisations to develop needs based projects and interventions, the extent of the influence of transnational and global trend, and the ability to connect to connect/ link local needs and struggles to international agendas.

“Masculinity-under-threat: the de- and re-politicization of women’s and sexual rights organizations in Lebanon in the wake of the War on Terror”

On the 11th of December, Lebanon Support organized a roundtable discussion surrounding a study on masculinity being threatened by political reaction to the demands of feminist and sexual rights organizations in Lebanon. This event was the 4th of a series of roundtable discussions designed to disseminate papers and research published on our online platform the CSKC (Civil Society Knowledge Centre) and to stimulate debate within civil society spheres in Lebanon.

“Feminisms in Lebanon: A dynamic positioning in relation to patriarchy and a renewal within the ‘Arab Spring’”

On the 4th of December, Lebanon Support organized a roundtable discussion surrounding research on the development of feminist movements within Lebanon. This event was the 3rd of a series of roundtable discussions designed to disseminate papers and research published on our online platform the CSKC (Civil Society Knowledge Centre) and to stimulate debate within civil society spheres in Lebanon.

“The Limits of Dissidence in Gender Activism in Lebanon”

On the 6th of November, Lebanon Support organized a roundtable discussion on the limits of dissidence in gender activism. The event was the second in a series of discussions designed to disseminate papers and research published on the online platform CSKC (Civil Society Knowledge Centre) and to also stimulate debate within civil society spheres in Lebanon.

“Trans Women’s Navigation of Arrest and Detention in Beirut: A Case Study”

On the 30th of October, Lebanon Support organized a roundtable discussion about a draft of study on Transwomen’s Navigation of Arrest and Detention in Beirut.

من الفضاء العام إلى المكاتب: تحوّل الحركات النسائية في لبنان إلى طابع المنظمات غير الحكومية وأثره على تعبئة النساء وتحقيق التغيير الاجتماعي (En-Ar)

تبدو المنظمات النسائية في لبنان اليوم على مفترق طرق. ففشل الدولة اللبنانية في معالجة مسألة حقوق المرأة المدنية ومكانتها في المجتمع، من بين قضايا أخرى، يؤشر على انسحاب الدولة من القطاع العام، نتيجة لانهيارها شبه التام خلال الحرب الأهلية بالتوازي مع الإصلاحات النيوليبرالية. وقد دفع ضعف الدولة المستمر والتاريخي والهيكلي في المجال العام بالمنظمات غير الحكومية والجمعيات الأهلية إلى السعي إلى ملء الفراغ الذي تركته الدولة.


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