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ID Title Type Created
28281 The LF and PSP abducted members from each other’s militias in Deir Durit and in Kfarhim. 23 of these hostages were killed. Security Incident Report [security] Oct 15 2014 - 16:46
28410 The LF opens fire on a pro-Aoun demonstration in Nahr al-Mot claiming 25 lives Security Incident Report [security] Oct 21 2014 - 11:51
73984 The local branch of the Tunisian General Labour Union organises a sit-in outside the Governorate building in El Kef to protest the decision to cancel agreements that had positive impact on the local development Light Collective Action Mar 4 2022 - 16:42
75760 The Ma'an Governorate committees resume their sit-in in opposition to the Aqaba Water Company's contract in support of the state's unemployed citizens. Light Collective Action Dec 21 2022 - 10:40
69014 The maintenance and operation employees in the Lebanese university Al-Hadath campus organized a protest demanding to receive their dues Collective Action Mar 23 2021 - 10:38
69054 The maintenance and operation employees in the Lebanese university Al-Hadath campus organized a protest demanding to receive their dues and announced a strike. Collective Action Apr 13 2021 - 00:13
75634 The Meaning(s) of Social Justice: Political Imaginaries from the October Movement in Lebanon RAC: Paper Oct 18 2022 - 15:57
72772 The Military Court issues a search and investigation warrant against former MP Khaled Daher, at whose home heavy weapons were found Public Actions Oct 25 2021 - 11:18
75794 The Ministry of Economy's agents and executives stage a strike in order to demand the activation of the grant approved by the former Minister of Finance and a solution to the matter regarding promotions and designations. Light Collective Action Dec 21 2022 - 12:31
75799 The Ministry of Education and a number of employees in the sector stage a sit-in in front of the headquarters of the Regional Delegation of Education, refusing to defame their institutions on the state’s social media networks. Light Collective Action Dec 21 2022 - 12:42
34751 The National Bureau of Economic Research Publisher Jun 23 2016 - 14:32
74873 The National Campaign to Abolish the Referendum launched by opposition parties organises a sit-in and a march from Nabeul's medina to the Independent Higher Authority for the Elections' headquarters to demand to cancel the referendum Light Collective Action Jun 29 2022 - 10:46
72463 The National Committee for the detainees and missing detainees in Israeli prisons organized a sit-in in solidarity with the six Palestinians who managed to escape from an Israeli high-security prison. Light Collective Action Sep 22 2021 - 16:11
74442 The National Coordination of Social Movements stages a sit-in outside the Municipal Theatre in Tunis to support social demands Light Collective Action May 12 2022 - 11:14
39125 The National Education Strategy Reconciliatory Initiative Oct 27 2016 - 16:47
73277 The National Federation of Worker and Employee Trade Unions in Lebanon and the Musawah Association - Warda Boutros for Women's Work stage a sit-in outside the ESCWA in Beirut on Human Rights Day to denounce living and working conditions in Lebanon Collective Action Dec 13 2021 - 12:33
73070 The National Federation of Worker and Employee Trade Unions protest outside social security office to demand the government to settle its social security debts Collective Action Nov 24 2021 - 10:41
62816 The National Media Agency is committed to a strike Collective Action Apr 18 2019 - 13:29
73236 The national organisation for deep-sea fishing organises a sit-in in front of the Ministry of Agriculture to demand the implementation of the agreements signed between the Ministry and the Tunisian Union of Agriculture and Fishing Light Collective Action Dec 6 2021 - 16:40
75771 The National Salvation Front, held a meeting in Sidi Bouzid, followed by a march in Regueb, joined by its members and supporters calling for "respect of freedoms" and denouncing "the resurgence of repression." Light Collective Action Dec 21 2022 - 11:26
75858 The National Security Unions Front stage a sit-in in front of the Ministry of the Interior demanding better work and social conditions. Light Collective Action Jan 11 2023 - 11:44
76101 The National Social Protection Strategy (NSPS), A Step Towards A New Social Contract in Lebanon. What are its pillars and who benefits from it? Infographic Sep 2 2024 - 10:09
76102 The National Social Protection Strategy (NSPS), A Step Towards A New Social Contract in Lebanon. What are its pillars and who benefits from it? Numbers and Figures Sep 2 2024 - 10:16
76103 The National Social Protection Strategy (NSPS), A Step Towards A New Social Contract in Lebanon. What are its pillars and who benefits from it? Numbers and Figures Sep 2 2024 - 10:16
63133 The National Strategy for Women in Lebanon (2011-2021) Women's movements May 23 2019 - 16:24
