
.الطابع العَرَضي، والهشاشة، وعدم الاستقرار الدائم للعاملين/ات غير النظاميين/ات. نظرةٌ على ظروف عمل النادلين/ات والسقاة في الحانات في لبنان

تتناول هذه الدراسة موضوع "العمالة غير النظامية" من منظور عاملين/ات في قطاع الأغذية والمشروبات في لبنان (وتحديدًا النادلين/ات والسقاة في الحانات) في فترة ٢٠٢٢/٢٠٢٣، وتبحث في ظروف العمل والتحديات المتعدّدة التي تواجه هؤلاء العاملين/ات، إضافةً إلى تأثير "العمالة غير النظامية" على حياتهم/هنّ المهنية والشخصية في ظلّ الأزمة الاقتصادية. كما تسلّط الضوء على تغيّر أولويّات هؤلاء العاملين/ات غير النظاميين/ات من تأمين عمل مستقرّ مع تقديمات إلى الاعتماد المفرط على الدخل المتاح والسيولة من أجل تدبير أمورهم/هنّ اليومية.


Casualisation, precarity, and permanent instability of informal workers. A look at the working conditions of waiters and bartenders in Lebanon.

This paper looks at “informal employment” through the lens of workers in the food and beverage service industry (mainly waiters and bartenders) in Lebanon in 2022/2023. It focuses on the labor conditions and multiple challenges faced by these workers, as well as the impact of “informal employment” on the professional and personal lives of these workers in times of economic crisis.


A Decrepit Social Security Pillar. Salvaging The National Social Security Fund in Lebanon Amidst The Crisis. | .انهيار ركيزة الضمان الاجتماعي في لبنان: إنقاذ الصندوق الوطني للضمان الاجتماعي في خضم الأزمة

The Lebanese social protection system was from its inception, and through its historical development, a fragmented system characterised by, on the one hand, scattered contributory-based schemes and, on the other, by ineffective and time-bound social assistance programmes. This report addresses the various aspects of the failures and near collapse of the NSSF following the economic and financial crisis in Lebanon since 2019.


Out of sight out of mind. An inquiry into the patterns of exclusion for Persons With Disability in Tunisia | غائبون عن الأنظار. دراسٌة حول أنماط إقصاء الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة في تونس

This report discusses the definition of disability in the Tunisian legislative framework by contextualizing it within the broader international and historical debate. It provides an overview of the main regulations of the Tunisian legislative framework on disability, pointing out its legal and practical shortcomings and their impact on the accomplishment of social justice principles in the disability landscape.


Bailing out on rights: The high cost of an IMF deal in Lebanon.

This policy report analyzes the winding road towards an agreement between the IMF and Lebanon, since the request of the government for IMF support, going over main conditions required by the IMF and their high social cost. The report critically highlights the risks of adopting one-size-fits-all austerity measures - as suggested by the IMF - and argues for the necessity to adopt a more integrated approach to the diagnosis of the crisis, and recovery and reform plan, beyond mere financial and macro-economic indicators. It concludes with recommendations tailored to the Lebanese context.


Women's Political Participation in Lebanon and the Limits of Aid-Driven Empowerment

The question of women’s political participation in Lebanon could not be more timely. As of 17 October 2019, nation-wide protests have erupted in response to increasing austerity measures that culminated in a tax on Voice over IP (VoIP) calls, commonly referred to as the “WhatsApp tax.” Calls for a non-sectarian and “non-political” revolution have drawn Lebanese representing nearly every sect, every class, and every gender out into the streets, which led to the resignation of Prime Minister Saad Hariri on October 29, 2019. 


Legal and Policy Framework of Migration Governance

This report aims to provide a contextual understanding of migration governance in the Lebanese context, as well as its implications for refugees and migrants. Towards this end, this report provides an overview of the legal and policy framework in Lebanon, notably within the context of the Syrian refugee crisis erupting in 2011. Moreover, the report critically evaluates the legal statuses – if any – pertaining to ‘asylum seekers’, ‘refugees’, and ‘migrants’ on the one hand, and the role of state and non-state actors on the other.


Strategy Development for a Mental Health and Psychological support Knowledge Hub

The objective of the report is to identify the psychosocial impact and needs of humanitarian actors working with refugees in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, North Iraq and Palestine. The research approach was based on mixed methods combining quantitative and qualitative methodologies. A closed questionnaire was disseminated online on the one hand, and on the other, in-depth interviews were conducted with selected candidates.


Nahr el-Bared Statistical Report 2009

This report aims to provide statistical and analytical tools for the recovery community working in North Lebanon, specifically those working with the Nahr el-Bared displaced and returnee population. The information will allow for better assessment of current needs and gaps, which will eventually support the development of appropriate strategies of intervention on both the short and long term.



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