Title Author(s) Publishing Date Summary Keywords Dossier
Prisms of Political Violence, ‘Jihads’ and Survival in Lebanon’s Tripoli Estella Carpi December, 2015

This paper aims to question the mainstream linear processes according to which individual ordinary life is disrupted by engagement with Islamist armed groups. It is based on ten in-depth interviews conducted in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli with Syrian and Lebanese ex-fighters, and with sympathisers of the so-called "Jihadi ideology" who never took up weapons. It shows the cyclic and changing nature of life choices and circumstances which influence Jihadist fighters and supporters.

Tripoli, Radicalization, Political Violence Conflict Analysis Project
Nahr al-Bared crisis and local responses of aid: a focus on needs assessment during emergencies Lamia Moghnieh October, 2015

This study describes the process and dynamics of aid during the Nahr al-Bared crisis in 2007. It seeks to explore how previous experiences of relief were capitalized on and used as part of routinized relief procedure in 2007. Based on several interviews conducted, the study provides a general description of the crisis, the problems and challenges faced and the local expertise and skills used during the crisis. The second section focuses specifically on the issue of needs assessment and information consolidation with the action of sharing playing a vital role in aid.

displaced Palestinians, Nahr El-Bared War, Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon, refugees, Emergency relief The Nahr El-Bared War, Civil Society Observatory
Between Radicalization and Mediation Processes: a Political Mapping of Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon* Nicolas Dot-Pouillard October, 2015

Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon are often depicted as “no-law zones” that give rise to Salafist-Jihadist factions, and inter-related military networks between some Lebanese, Palestinian and Syrian groups. The Lebanese army and its intelligence apparatus are not in a totally antagonistic relationship with Palestinian actors and despite their divisions, Palestinian organizations, from Islamists to Nationalists and Leftists, cooperate with each other. This paper argues that an inter-Palestinian mediation process and a constant dialogue with Lebanese authorities are surely a precondition to face Salafist radicalization in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon.

Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon, Palestinian Refugees, Radicalization Migration, Mobility and Circulation, Conflict Analysis Project, Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon
Jabal Mohsen : stratégies de privatisation et d’appropriation communautaire de l’espace public Marie Kortam August, 2015

Cet article interroge les dynamiques d’appropriation et de construction sociale de l’espace public à Tripoli, deuxième ville du Liban et siège de violences armées communautaires, et s'intéresse plus particulièrement à la construction de barrières spatiales entre les quartiers de Jabal Mohsen et de Bab el-Tebbaneh.

Public Space, Tripoli, Bab al-Tebbaneh, Borders, Privatisation, Armed conflict Conflict Analysis Project
Relief as a neutral form of aid or a political-communal mobilization? Doing politics in emergencies and war and the politics of aid in Lebanon Lamia Moghnieh August, 2015

Drawing on the experiences of several activists, experts, and individuals involved in the provision of aid and relief during and after the 2006 July war on Lebanon, this case study explores the issues of neutrality and local commitment in providing assistance during war and conflict, looking into the humanitarian principle of neutrality, and localized and communal mobilizations for relief.

July 2006 War, Humanitarian & Emergency Operations, International humanitarian community The July, 2006 Israeli War on Lebanon, Civil Society Observatory
Local expertise and global packages of aid: The transformative role of volunteerism and locally engaged expertise of aid during the 2006 July war in Lebanon Lamia Moghnieh July, 2015

This study argues that acts of volunteerism produce locally engaged forms of expertise that have the ability to challenge, direct, and transform global packages of aid into more locally informed and effective interventions.

Volunteerism; Local expertise; July war; Global aid. Civil Society Observatory
من الفضاء العام إلى المكاتب: تحوّل الحركات النسائية في لبنان إلى طابع المنظمات غير الحكومية وأثره على تعبئة النساء وتحقيق التغيير الاجتماعي (En-Ar) Dalya Mitri July, 2015

تركّز هذه الورقة بشكل أساسي على استكشاف أثر أو تأثير الأشكال الجديدة من النسوية ذات طابع المؤسسات غير الحكومية على تعبئة المجموعات الاجتماعية اللبنانية على تنوّعها، كما تحدِّد هذه الورقة وضعية نضال الحركات النسائية في سياق سياسي واجتماعي أوسع.

Feminism, Social Movements, Women Organizations, NGOs Women's rights and status, Gender Equity Network
Revisiting Vulnerability in a Slum of Beirut: when Citizenship Disempowers Estella Carpi July, 2015

While refugee and migrant workers’ poverties have become the only external interpretative lens to explore vulnerability in Lebanon, a kind of urban poverty, which is neither connected to the political violence of regional wars nor to the flawed refugee regime, will be investigated through ethnographic methods.

Chronic Neglect, Poverty, vulnerability, Citizenship, Political Loyalty, Identity Politics Migration, Mobility and Circulation, Conflict Analysis Project
التيارات النسوية في لبنان: بعد الولاء للوطن، هل سينتفض الجسد خلال "الربيع العربي"؟ (En-Ar) Bernadette Daou June, 2015

يستكشف هذا البحث الموجات المختلفة للحركة النسوية في لبنان منذ خمسينات القرن العشرين وتشكيل الدولة القومية، مروراً بصعود "اليسار الجديد" في السبعينات، وانشقاقات يسار ما بعد الحرب الأهلية وعولمة القضية النسوية في التسعينات، وأخيراً، صعود "القضايا الجديدة" المرتبطة بالحقوق الجسدية التي تطوّرت ضمن الحركة المناهضة للإمبريالية وحركة العولمة البديلة في أوائل الألفية الثانية، والتي تستمر في سياق الثورات التي تشهدها المنطقة. كما يدرس البحث علاقة تلك "الموجات" بالنظام الأبوي اللبناني، فضلاً عن إعادة تشكيل و/أو تجديد الحركات الناشئة في ضوء الحراك الثوري.

Women's Movement, Social Movements, Arab World, Feminist Gender Equity Network
Local forms of relief during the July war in 2006 and international humanitarian interventions: Implications on community preparedness for war and conflict Lamia Moghnieh June, 2015

This study looks into the forms of relief provided by grassroots collective, Samidoun, during the July 2006 war on Lebanon, focusing on the expertise and transformative spaces such groups produce. It argues that a total reliance on professionalization and NGO-ization in aid provision can prevent the emergence of civil resistance forms of relief.

Local Forms of Relief; Contextualizing Aid; Samidoun; Professionalization; War & Crisis; International NGOs The July, 2006 Israeli War on Lebanon, Civil Society Observatory
