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The role of Community Based Organizations in preparing and responding to crisis in Lebanon, a qualitative study

This study explores the role of community-based organizations in preparing for and responding to crisis in Lebanon. While there has been considerable work conducted on preparedness, responsiveness and recovery to crisis in Lebanon, there has been little work so far that focuses on measuring and assessing the capacities, expertise, strengths and weaknesses of local CBOS in preparing and responding to crises.


Towards adaptive and shock responsive universal social protection. Protecting in times of war.

In the MENA, and Lebanon in particular, conflicts are not uncommon and social protection remains largely fragmented, dependent on non-state actors, and favours poverty-targeted schemes that leave some segments of the population in need behind. In times of conflict, resources are redirected towards the war effort and supply lines are disrupted, and social protection systems eroded and dismantled, which leaves people’s emerging needs unaddressed by these fragmented and unadaptable social protection systems.

Civil Society Review issue 6 - War: a catalyst for the transformation of families in the Middle East. Case studies from Lebanon, Yemen, Palestine, and Syria.

The articles (scientific papers as well as testimonies) gathered in this issue constitute a timely reflection on the longitudinal and relational aspects of war and how they impact societies at large, and mold families on a smaller scale. The issue also offers insights on the reconfiguration of gender roles and shifting roles of women in societies in times of conflict.


Casualisation, precarity, and permanent instability of informal workers. A look at the working conditions of waiters and bartenders in Lebanon.

This paper looks at “informal employment” through the lens of workers in the food and beverage service industry (mainly waiters and bartenders) in Lebanon in 2022/2023. It focuses on the labor conditions and multiple challenges faced by these workers, as well as the impact of “informal employment” on the professional and personal lives of these workers in times of economic crisis.


Unprotected. Survey Report on The Challenges of The Current Social Protection System in Lebanon Amidst The Crisis.

This report analyzes the impact of the multilayered Lebanese economic crisis and its major macroeconomic shocks on the social protection landscape in Lebanon. It aims to examine the social protection mechanisms and effective health care systems and coverages in Lebanon, amid an ongoing social and economic crisis hitting the country since the financial collapse of late 2019. The study is based on a survey conducted between July and August 2022, with a nationally representative sample of 1,327 respondents of Lebanese nationality.


Extended Arenas of “Hirak”: Anti-Sectarian Electoral Contestation in Students and Syndicates’ Elections


With the culmination of the “October Revolution” in 2019, Lebanon witnessed the rise of anti-sectarian independent groups competing in (university) students and syndicates elections against the traditional political parties. Their electoral victories brought about hope in the challenging of the entrenched sectarian political system, but more significantly, was utilized as a predictor to power shifts in the May 2022 parliamentary elections.

Social Protection in Jordan - الحماية الاجتماعية في الأردن

This infographic provides an overview of the two main Social Security systems in Jordan: the Social Security Cooperation (SSC) and the National Aid Funds. It shows that both are limited in terms of inclusivity and reach, leaving segments of the population without any form of social protection, and offers targeted recommendations for reforms.

يقدم هذا الرسم البياني لمحة عامة عن النظامين الاساسيين للضمان الاجتماعي في الأردن: "المؤسّسة العامّة للضمان الاجتماعي" و" صندوق المعونة الوطنية". يظهر أن هذين النظامين محدودين بالشمولية والمدى، ويقدم توصيات هادفة للإصلاحات.


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