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ID Title Type Created
71868 Protesters block Zouk Mosbeh highway due to Central Bank’s decision to suspend the withdrawal of dollars at the 3900 rate Collective Action Jul 9 2021 - 12:10
71650 Protesters block Zouk Mosbeh highway due to deteriorating socioeconomic conditions Collective Action Jun 29 2021 - 15:14
71406 Protesters blocked Al-Nour Square, in protest against the deteriorating socio-economic situation Collective Action Apr 28 2021 - 15:54
66542 Protesters blocked all roads leading to Abd el Hamid Karami square Collective Action Jun 26 2020 - 13:36
64118 Protesters blocked central bank road Collective Action Oct 25 2019 - 22:36
64625 Protesters blocked Minieh road in support of those detained for suspected civil disobedience Collective Action Dec 3 2019 - 16:13
69018 Protesters blocked the Baalbek- Riaq international road to protest the increase in robbery Collective Action Mar 24 2021 - 14:50
69024 Protesters blocked the Baalbek- Riaq international road to protest the increase in robbery Collective Action Mar 26 2021 - 16:25
71741 Protesters blocked the Beddawi highway in Tripoli due to deteriorating socioeconomic conditions Collective Action Jul 2 2021 - 12:38
69106 Protesters blocked the highway in front of Mecattaf money exchange firm in Aoukar and scuffled with the ISF in support with judge Ghada Aoun Collective Action Apr 22 2021 - 11:30
69039 Protesters blocked the international road at the Nahr al-Bared Bridge to protest the army's confiscation of illegally sold quantities of petrol and diesel Collective Action Apr 11 2021 - 21:37
71740 Protesters blocked the road in front of the Saida Electricity Company due to deteriorating socioeconomic conditions Collective Action Jul 2 2021 - 12:36
71692 Protesters blocked the roads in Saida, marched to the South Lebanon Water Corporation in protest against the deterioration of the socio-economic situation Collective Action Jul 1 2021 - 13:47
65573 Protesters blocked the roads with tire burning against the destruction of encampments in downtown Beirut by the police Collective Action Mar 30 2020 - 16:08
65259 Protesters blocking road and publicly shame an MP in Minet el Hosn Collective Action Feb 13 2020 - 15:00
73123 Protesters blocks several roads in Lebanon over deteriorating socioeconomic living conditions and plummeting lira Collective Action Nov 29 2021 - 13:00
72178 Protesters break into Akkar MP Tariq Al Marabi's house after Akkar explosion Collective Action Sep 15 2021 - 13:50
72162 Protesters break into Nabatieh City Hall denouncing electricity cuts, mazout shortages and dire socio-economic living conditions Collective Action Sep 15 2021 - 09:59
72151 Protesters break into the Justice Palace in Beirut to demand the independence of the Judiciary Collective Action Sep 14 2021 - 15:21
30868 Protesters briefly block highway over electricity cuts Security Incident Report [security] Jul 8 2015 - 14:29
64751 Protesters briefly closed the road at Ring Bridge, before it was reopened by security forces Collective Action Dec 12 2019 - 16:07
65215 Protesters briefly return to Riad al-Solh and the Central Bank Collective Action Feb 6 2020 - 12:49
65382 Protesters broke into Dr. Moustapha Alloush’s Clinic in Tripoli Collective Action Mar 3 2020 - 16:50
65491 Protesters Broke the ATM of Fransabank at Hamra Collective Action Mar 10 2020 - 11:58
65706 Protesters burn the front of BLF in Tripoli Collective Action Apr 29 2020 - 11:13
