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Content - HE

ID Title Type Created
75009 Health sector syndicates stage a sit-in outside Sfax 1 Court of First Instance to protest the decision to imprison 8 syndicate members in the April 5th, 2012 case Light Collective Action Jul 18 2022 - 13:33
74472 Health workers and interns of University of Balamand stage a sit-in in Dekwaneh to demand an increase in wages Collective Action May 18 2022 - 10:43
72547 Health workers at Rafic Hariri University hospital stage a sit-in and announce they will start an open-ended strike to protest against decisions taken by the hospital's administration Collective Action Sep 30 2021 - 09:26
74118 Health workers at Rafic Hariri University hospital stage an open-ended strike to demand to receive a portion of their salaries in dollars Collective Action Mar 22 2022 - 10:43
72581 Health workers at Rafic Hariri University hospital strike to demand a three-month salary advance, 30 percent of their payments in fresh US dollars and payment for overtime worked Collective Action Oct 5 2021 - 10:05
72667 Health workers at Saida hospital enter the thirteenth day of their open-ended strike and stage a sit-in to demand payment of their unpaid wages, grants for their children’s schooling, higher transportation allowances, and additional grants Collective Action Oct 13 2021 - 09:42
72964 Health workers at the Nabih Berri Governmental Hospital in Nabatieh stage a sit-in and block the road to the hospital to demand a financial grant Collective Action Nov 12 2021 - 09:54
74144 Health workers at the regional hospital in Sidi Bouzid stage a sit-in to denounce the arrest of their colleague Light Collective Action Mar 24 2022 - 16:48
74212 Health workers at the Saint Georges Hospital in Ajaltoun start an open-ended strike to demand increase in wages, transportation allowances and payment of unpaid salaries Collective Action Apr 5 2022 - 10:41
73700 Health workers in Beja stage a sit-in to demand their wages for January Light Collective Action Jan 28 2022 - 16:37
72165 Health workers in Bouar stage a sit-in to protest against deteriorating socioeconomic living conditions Collective Action Sep 15 2021 - 10:20
72876 Health workers in Saida Hospital enter their thirtieth day of strike and stage a sit-in to demand the payment of four-month unpaid wages Collective Action Nov 3 2021 - 11:44
72140 Health workers in Saida stage a sit-in in front of the hospital to demand overdue State funding Collective Action Sep 14 2021 - 12:34
72566 Health workers in Saida start an open-ended strike and stage a sit-in in front of the hospital to demand payment of their unpaid wages, grants for their children’s schooling, a salary increase and higher transportation allowances Collective Action Oct 1 2021 - 09:55
72908 Health workers in the governorate of Gafsa stage a sit-in outside the regional health office to demand job opportunities Light Collective Action Nov 5 2021 - 14:38
72523 Health workers in Tripoli stage a sit-in in front of the hospital to protest against measures taken by the Internal Security Forces near the hospital Collective Action Sep 28 2021 - 10:12
72791 Health workers of Bint Jbeil Governmental Hospital start an open-ended strike to demand an increase in wage and transportation allowance Collective Action Oct 26 2021 - 10:00
73016 Health workers of the hospital in Grombalia stage a sit-in in front of the hospital's administration to demand their rights, including getting financial allowances, being paid on time and enjoying religious holidays Light Collective Action Nov 17 2021 - 15:13
73168 Health workers of the regional hospital in Kebili demonstrate to protest against the mismanagement of the hospital Light Collective Action Nov 30 2021 - 16:26
73336 Health workers stage a sit-in outside the Health Ministry to protest the government’s inaction on promised aid to the sector Light Collective Action Dec 17 2021 - 13:52
72208 Health workers unions stage a sit-in in Beirut in solidarity with cancer patients in light of drugs shortage Collective Action Sep 16 2021 - 10:37
74182 Health workers' trade unions organise a solidarity sit-in nationwide to condemn assaults on health workers and to demand measures and reforms Collective Action Mar 30 2022 - 11:57
71124 Healthcare staff held a demonstration demanding urgent reforms in the healthcare sector, and calling on the government to commit to immediately fixing basic facilities in public hospitals. Light Collective Action Apr 26 2021 - 17:26
73979 Healthcare workers at Aqaba civil hospital start a sit-in outside the hospital to protest their dismissal Light Collective Action Mar 4 2022 - 15:43
74766 Healthcare workers at Sibline Governmental Hospital stage a sit-in to denounce deteriorating socioeconomic conditions Collective Action Jun 21 2022 - 13:20
