Collective Action
Protesters roadblock in Beddawi, Khaldeh and Corniche al-Mazraa over deteriorating socioeconomic living conditions and plummeting lira
وطنية - البداوي - قطع محتجون طريق البداوي الدولي في الإتجاهين عند نقطة مفترق المنكوبين بالشاحنات، بعدما وضعوها وسط الطريق وأغلقوه بالكامل، اعتراضا على تدهور أوضاعهم المعيشية والإرتفاع الجنوني في سعر صرف الدولار.
Protestors blocked roads Tuesday in Beddawi, Tripoli with trucks to object against an unprecedented LBP collapse, worsening inflation and people’s despair. Later in the day, demonstrators blocked the Khalde highway that links Beirut to the South and the vital Corniche al-Mazraa road in the capital.
December 14, 2021
Actors/ Mobilising structures:
Collective / informal group
Multi-organisational field (collaboration, allies) :
Mode of Action:
Road blockade
Reform (advocating for limited change in political, socio-economic etc.)
Cause/ Grievances/ Framing CA:
Access to socio-eco rights
Policy Grievances
Spatial characteristics:
Location on the Lebanese territory
State response: