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Content - TEM

ID Title Type Created
74975 Temporary and contract healthcare workers stage a sit-in outside the Ministry of Health to demand full-time positions and better working conditions Light Collective Action Jul 14 2022 - 11:46
64078 Temporary road block in Hermel by protesters Collective Action Sep 30 2019 - 11:05
75973 Temporary Social Protection Law No. 30 of 01/11/1979 Timeline Date Jun 8 2024 - 19:40
73536 Temporary teachers stage a protest at the headquarters of the Regional Commission for education in Beja to demand the payment of their financial dues Light Collective Action Jan 19 2022 - 12:34
73483 Temporary teachers who are not included in the May 8th agreement march in Sfax Light Collective Action Jan 18 2022 - 11:09
73176 Temporary teachers who are not included in the May 8th agreement stage a sit-in at the Regional Education Authority in Sfax Light Collective Action Nov 30 2021 - 16:35
73172 Temporary teachers who are not included in the May 8th agreement stage a sit-in at the Regional Education Authority in Sousse. They demand to be included in the agreement and to be established as teachers Light Collective Action Nov 30 2021 - 16:30
73006 Temporary teachers who are not included in the May 8th agreement stage a sit-in at the Regional Education Authority Sfax 2 Light Collective Action Nov 17 2021 - 14:48
73490 Temporary teachers who are not included in the May 8th agreement stage a sit-in outside the Regional Commission for Education in Beja Light Collective Action Jan 18 2022 - 11:21