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ID Title Type Created
64077 Protesters organize sit-in at Abdel Hamid square in Tripoli Collective Action Sep 30 2019 - 10:34
64651 Protesters organize sit-in at Baabda's Presidential Palace road, and clash with FPM supporters Collective Action Dec 4 2019 - 10:13
64522 Protesters organize sit-in at Bisri Valley Collective Action Nov 28 2019 - 09:57
64348 Protesters organize sit-in at Qaraoun Dam Collective Action Nov 12 2019 - 18:09
64445 Protesters organize sit-in at Souk el Khan in Hasbaiya Collective Action Nov 18 2019 - 11:20
64541 Protesters organize sit-in in Al Zeitoun village Collective Action Nov 28 2019 - 11:01
64425 Protesters organize sit-in in Baalbek's Moutran Square Collective Action Nov 15 2019 - 11:23
64335 Protesters organize sit-in in front of Beiteddine's Seray Collective Action Nov 12 2019 - 17:30
64306 Protesters organize sit-in in front of Costa brave landfill Collective Action Nov 11 2019 - 17:45
64389 Protesters organize sit-in in front of Hermel's seray Collective Action Nov 13 2019 - 12:37
64325 Protesters organize sit-in in front of Kleyate Airport and continue to march in the village Collective Action Nov 11 2019 - 18:31
64310 Protesters organize sit-in in front of the Ministry of Foreign affairs and Emigrants Collective Action Nov 11 2019 - 17:55
64333 Protesters organize sit-in in front of the Ministry of Interior and march towards Riad el Soleh Collective Action Nov 12 2019 - 17:26
64352 Protesters organize sit-in in front of the Seray and banks in Nabatieh Collective Action Nov 13 2019 - 09:10
64729 Protesters organize sit-in in front Sibline factory denouncing increased pollution affecting the health of residents Collective Action Dec 9 2019 - 14:49
64388 Protesters organize sit-in in front the French Embassy Collective Action Nov 13 2019 - 12:35
64534 Protesters organize sit-in in front the US embassy in Aoukar Collective Action Nov 28 2019 - 10:37
64351 Protesters organize sit-in in Halba Collective Action Nov 12 2019 - 18:33
64530 Protesters organize sit-in in Halba's square Collective Action Nov 28 2019 - 10:20
64442 Protesters organize sit-in in Honor of the martyr Alaa Abou Fakhr in Khalde Collective Action Nov 18 2019 - 11:03
64632 Protesters organize sit-in in Jbeil's square and celebrate the installment of the Revolution's fist symbol Collective Action Dec 3 2019 - 16:53
64337 Protesters organize sit-in in Jdeideh's square Collective Action Nov 12 2019 - 17:35
64537 Protesters organize sit-in in Kfar Chouba Collective Action Nov 28 2019 - 10:41
64347 Protesters organize sit-in in Mimas Collective Action Nov 12 2019 - 18:07
64332 Protesters organize sit-in in Rwayset El Ballout and Aabadiyeh Collective Action Nov 12 2019 - 17:23
