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ID Title Type Created
67044 Protesters organise a car convoy near the Ring Bridge Collective Action Aug 3 2020 - 11:24
64995 Protesters organise a march and a sit-in in Tripoli's Al-Nour Square, denouncing the corrupt political class, the banks' unregulated capital controls, and the designation of Caretaker PM Hassan Diab Collective Action Jan 14 2020 - 10:57
64847 Protesters organise a march in Tripoli denouncing sectarianism and refuting attempts to create tension between them Collective Action Dec 24 2019 - 11:35
64994 Protesters organise a march starting from Dora, denouncing the designation Caretaker PM Hassan Diab Collective Action Jan 14 2020 - 10:53
66410 Protesters organise a symbolic scene Collective Action Jun 15 2020 - 10:23
72648 Protesters organise an exhibition outside the Palais de Justice to denounce the obstruction of justice in the Beirut blast investigation Collective Action Oct 12 2021 - 10:42
65052 Protesters organise car convoy in Koura Collective Action Jan 20 2020 - 11:05
66199 Protesters organise car convoy towards Ain el Tineh and scuffle with security forces Collective Action Jun 1 2020 - 15:49
64829 Protesters organise car convoys and marches in Tripoli in solidarity with the Activist Rabih El Zein demanding his release Collective Action Dec 20 2019 - 12:51
64807 Protesters organise car convoys in Beirut and get stoned at the exit of Salim Slam tunnel in the direction towards Zoukak Blat Collective Action Dec 16 2019 - 16:46
65043 Protesters organise car convoys in Jbeil Collective Action Jan 20 2020 - 10:44
64946 Protesters organise march from the Justice Palace, demanding the independence of the Judiciary Collective Action Jan 7 2020 - 13:16
65143 Protesters organise marches in several locations denouncing the newly formed government Collective Action Jan 29 2020 - 09:49
65691 Protesters organise several marches in the streets of Beirut Collective Action Apr 29 2020 - 10:30
64928 Protesters organise several marches in Tripoli and a sit-in in front of the residence of the Mayor Mohamad Saadieh, demanding that the judiciary takes action against him . Collective Action Jan 7 2020 - 11:13
65138 Protesters organise several marches leading to the Parliament Collective Action Jan 27 2020 - 14:03
65610 Protesters organise sit-in in Tripoli demanding economic aid and denouncing corruption Collective Action Apr 21 2020 - 13:01
64891 Protesters organise sit-ins in front the Central Bank and its branches in various cities. Collective Action Dec 27 2019 - 13:21
65779 Protesters organise solidarity stand in Saida in support of those detained during mobilisations Collective Action May 7 2020 - 09:56
64817 Protesters organised a sit-in in front of the Seray in Baabda in solidarity with the Activist Rabih el Zein Collective Action Dec 19 2019 - 17:07
64739 Protesters organised convoys of cars from the Ring bridge towards Riad el Solh Collective Action Dec 12 2019 - 15:12
65188 Protesters organised multiple marches leading to Riad Soleh Square, with stops at Electricite du Liban and the Association of Banks, denouncing corruption and in solidarity with Palestinians Collective Action Feb 3 2020 - 12:37
71887 Protesters organize a march ending in Adlieh calling for a transitional government and parliamentary elections Collective Action Jul 12 2021 - 10:49
71831 Protesters organize a march ending in Nour square, Tripoli, due to deteriorating socioeconomic conditions Collective Action Jul 8 2021 - 16:20
64757 Protesters organize a march from Ein el Helwe towards Ilia Square in Saida Collective Action Dec 12 2019 - 16:49
