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Content - I

ID Title Type Created
45170 ISF arrests alleged drug dealer Security Incident Report [security] Jan 8 2018 - 13:59
51960 ISF arrests alleged drug dealer Security Incident Report [security] Aug 25 2018 - 18:22
52868 ISF arrests alleged sextortionist Security Incident Report [security] Nov 19 2018 - 14:43
68875 ISF arrests an activist during a roadblock in Bourj Hammoud State Response Dec 3 2020 - 11:19
62059 ISF arrests an aggressor against officer Security Incident Report [security] Jan 9 2019 - 10:47
66037 ISF arrests an an individual in Borj Hammoud on various counts of fraud as well as for impersonating a security officer State Response May 14 2020 - 11:35
61790 ISF arrests an arm dealer in Al Dwir Security Incident Report [security] Dec 13 2018 - 11:45
65949 ISF arrests an individual for car theft in Mount Lebanon State Response May 11 2020 - 15:55
65854 ISF arrests an individual for dealing with counterfeit currency in Saida State Response May 8 2020 - 14:07
66745 ISF arrests an individual for drug dealing State Response Jul 6 2020 - 11:11
65880 ISF arrests an individual for extortion State Response May 11 2020 - 10:58
65918 ISF arrests an individual for extortion State Response May 11 2020 - 12:55
65921 ISF arrests an individual for extortion State Response May 11 2020 - 13:03
65926 ISF arrests an individual for extortion State Response May 11 2020 - 14:47
65968 ISF arrests an individual for vandalising a statue in Rmaile State Response May 12 2020 - 10:59
62099 ISF arrests an individual in Saida for committing murder and drug use Security Incident Report [security] Jan 9 2019 - 16:04
52268 ISF arrests another alleged sextortionist Security Incident Report [security] Sep 30 2018 - 17:58
52556 ISF arrests armed robbery suspected in Hazmieh Security Incident Report [security] Oct 30 2018 - 11:48
53585 ISF arrests armed robbery suspects Security Incident Report [security] Nov 26 2018 - 11:37
66936 ISF arrests arrests 6 involved in a robbery that took place at Mina Hospital State Response Jul 22 2020 - 10:33
43028 ISF arrests attackers of Syrian refugee in viral video Security Incident Report [security] Jul 20 2017 - 11:05
24664 ISF arrests burglar in flagrante delicto Map Security Event May 1 2014 - 13:38
24697 ISF arrests burglar in flagrante delicto Map Security Event May 1 2014 - 19:38
52815 ISF arrests busts drug dealers preparing a massive smuggling operation Security Incident Report [security] Nov 12 2018 - 15:11
65907 ISF arrests car parts thief in Sour State Response May 11 2020 - 12:28
