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Content - C

ID Title Type Created
15130 Civil Defense succeeds in puttingout fire in a factory in Jnah Map Security Event Dec 9 2013 - 04:14
15156 Civil Defense succeeds in puttingout fire in a factory in Jnah Map Security Event Dec 9 2013 - 10:16
32883 Civil defense units block Masnaa road Security Incident Report [security] Jan 19 2016 - 10:41
66234 Civil defense vlunteers roadblock in Saifi and Sports city demanding they meet with the Minister of Interior Collective Action Jun 5 2020 - 14:23
33098 Civil defense volunteers block Aley road Security Incident Report [security] Feb 3 2016 - 10:30
33096 Civil defense volunteers block Baalbeck road's southern entrance Security Incident Report [security] Feb 3 2016 - 10:24
33101 Civil Defense volunteers block Barja highway Security Incident Report [security] Feb 3 2016 - 10:41
33102 Civil Defense volunteers block Barja highway Security Incident Report [security] Feb 3 2016 - 10:44
32884 Civil Defense volunteers block Batroun highway Security Incident Report [security] Jan 19 2016 - 10:45
22723 Civil Defense volunteers block Chtoura road Map Security Event Apr 3 2014 - 14:18
22630 Civil Defense volunteers block Cola bridge road Map Security Event Apr 2 2014 - 14:08
33097 Civil defense volunteers block Merjeyoun's Tal Nahhas road Security Incident Report [security] Feb 3 2016 - 10:28
22635 Civil Defense volunteers block Raouche road Map Security Event Apr 2 2014 - 14:08
66236 Civil defense volunteers block the road in front of the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities Collective Action Jun 5 2020 - 14:26
62612 Civil Defense volunteers call for paid jobs Collective Action Mar 22 2019 - 09:55
33099 Civil defense volunteers cut off Dahr Baidar road Security Incident Report [security] Feb 3 2016 - 10:34
33100 Civil Defense volunteers cut off main roads in south Security Incident Report [security] Feb 3 2016 - 10:38
37290 Civil Defense volunteers demonstration in Martyrs Square Security Incident Report [security] Aug 18 2016 - 11:01
62565 Civil Defense Volunteers for decree installation Collective Action Mar 18 2019 - 10:39
64782 Civil defense volunteers organize sit-in at Riad el Solh Collective Action Dec 13 2019 - 16:40
64843 Civil defense volunteers organize sit-in at Riad el Solh coinciding with the convening of the Finance and Budget Committee session Collective Action Dec 24 2019 - 11:19
33027 Civil defense volunteers proceed in their sit in pending meeting their demands Security Incident Report [security] Jan 29 2016 - 12:00
40885 Civil Defense volunteers rally for full employment Security Incident Report [security] Mar 23 2017 - 16:05
66231 Civil defense volunteers sit-in at Raouche and demand they meet the Minister of Interior Collective Action Jun 5 2020 - 14:16
66168 Civil defense volunteers sit-in Hermel demanding they be given fixed contracts Collective Action Jun 1 2020 - 14:37
