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Content - A

ID Title Type Created
31859 Army arrest one on suspicion of shooting involvment Security Incident Report [security] Oct 19 2015 - 11:19
44120 Army arrested 10 Syrian refugees Security Incident Report [security] Oct 17 2017 - 10:49
40775 Army arrested 12 Syrians in Akkar Security Incident Report [security] Mar 18 2017 - 13:26
34724 Army arrested 14 Syrians for entering Lebanon illegally Security Incident Report [security] Jun 23 2016 - 12:40
43829 Army arrested 17 Syrians for not holding their legal identification papers Security Incident Report [security] Sep 28 2017 - 15:19
43697 Army arrested 19 on links with Daesh Security Incident Report [security] Sep 18 2017 - 12:16
44493 Army arrested 2 Daesh members in Arsal Security Incident Report [security] Nov 8 2017 - 10:43
40751 Army arrested 5 persons over shooting Security Incident Report [security] Mar 16 2017 - 14:23
34725 Army arrested 5 Syrians and 1 Egyptian in Deir Ammar - North Security Incident Report [security] Jun 23 2016 - 12:44
43315 Army arrested 8 suspects for links with Daech Security Incident Report [security] Aug 14 2017 - 10:32
43138 Army arrested a car that sped through a checkpoint Security Incident Report [security] Aug 2 2017 - 09:53
42887 Army arrested a fugitive on charges of drug and weapon possession Security Incident Report [security] Jul 11 2017 - 09:56
43648 Army arrested a person on terrorist charges in Arsal Security Incident Report [security] Sep 13 2017 - 16:33
35421 Army arrested a suspect in Qobbe Security Incident Report [security] Jul 29 2016 - 14:50
35422 Army arrested a suspect in Qobbe Security Incident Report [security] Jul 29 2016 - 14:50
43483 Army arrested a suspect plotting to assassinate senior officer Security Incident Report [security] Aug 28 2017 - 10:11
44306 Army arrested a wanted suspect for links with terrorist organisations Security Incident Report [security] Oct 25 2017 - 10:41
43589 Army arrested Ali Hujairi in Arsal Security Incident Report [security] Sep 11 2017 - 10:20
44243 Army arrested Daesh member in Ain al-Hilweh Security Incident Report [security] Oct 23 2017 - 11:30
43102 Army arrested man suspected of car theft Security Incident Report [security] Jul 31 2017 - 10:39
32526 Army arrested several Syrian nationals in Nabatieh Security Incident Report [security] Dec 16 2015 - 10:11
40040 Army arrested shooter in Khaldeh Security Incident Report [security] Jan 19 2017 - 17:45
43869 Army arrested the responsibles of Sidon's overnight clashes Security Incident Report [security] Oct 4 2017 - 11:03
42407 Army arrested two ISIS security units Security Incident Report [security] Jun 16 2017 - 13:39
49159 Army arrested wanted men in Britel Security Incident Report [security] Jul 25 2018 - 10:24
