Man arrested for robbery
Man arrested for robbery
ألقت عناصر قوى الأمن الداخلي، القبض على "ح. م. ع" من مواليد عام 1995، بعدما قفز السياج الّذي يحيط بمزار داخل كنيسة القديس شربل الكائنة على أوتستراد زحلة - الكرك، محاولاً سرقة أموال النذورات من داخل السياج. وتمّ اقتياده إلى مخفر المعلقة، وبوشرت التحقيقات بحقّه.
Internal security forces arrested HMA, born in 1995, after he jumped the fence surrounding the Church of St. Charbel, located on Zahle-Karak Street, trying to steal money. He was taken to the police station and investigations were conducted against him.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Acting bodies/ State apparatuses:
Internal Security Forces
Soft power (non-violent response)
Types of response:
Justification of response:
Criminality and law infringement (murder. shooting, robbery…)