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Conflict Incident Report

Wanted persons arrested in Bekaa

Date of incident: 
September 5, 2015
Death toll: 
Number of Injured: 
Actors/Parties Involved: 
General Security
Syrian Civilians/Refugees
Palestinian Civilians/Refugees
ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL))

On 05 Sep 15, in Bekaa, the General Security arrested a Palestinian and a Syrian national for belonging to terrorist organizations. The detained persons have been involved in training Islamic State group members in exchange for financial payments. The training was for the purpose of carrying out bombings in Lebanon. They also monitored the Lebanese Army Forces (LAF) bases and movements in Aarsal.

Primary category: 
Classification of conflict (primary): 
Power & governance conflicts
Violent or non-violent conflicts associated with antagonisms related to internal political tensions between local and/or national groups and parties. These tensions may be encouraged by internal, regional and international parties. Such conflicts are characterized by their defiance and/or opposition to central State power and governance.