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Conflict Incident Report

Truckers, quarriers and crushers cut the road of Rayak Baalbek International

Date of incident: 
July 1, 2019
Death toll: 
Number of Injured: 
Actors/Parties Involved: 
Lebanese Civilians

نفذ أصحاب ​الشاحنات​ و​المقالع والكسارات​ و​عمال البناء​ اعتصاما على طريق رياق- ​بعلبك​ الدولي احتجاجا على توقف أعمالهم بعد القرارات التي وصفوها بالمجحفة بحقهم.

ورفع المحتجون الذين قطعوا الطريق الدولية لبعض الوقت في منطقة دورس شعارات: "نريد الشفقة ولا نريد المشنقة"، "احذروا غضب الفقراء" ، "العمل حق لنا" ، "العمل في المقالع والكسارات فرض علينا وسلب منا".


This security incident was mapped according to the closest possible location.
Primary category: 
Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...]
Classification of conflict (primary): 
Policy conflicts
Conflicts associated with political decisions, government or state policies regarding matters of public concern, such as debates concerning law reforms, electoral laws, and protests of the government’s political decisions, among others.
Classification of conflict(secondary):
Conflicts of socio-economic development
Conflicts associated with lack of, or gaps in economic development, opportunities and access to resources.