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Conflict Incident Report
Three butchers shut in north Lebanon
The Internal Security Forces shut down three butcher’s shops in north Lebanon on charges of illegally employing foreigners, state media reported.
Following instructions from Labor Minister Mohammad Kabbara, the ISF closed two general butchers, the first in Kouweikhat owned by Ibrahim H and the second in Halba owned by Khaled M.H.
The third closed shop was a poultry butcher owned by Joude H, located in Aadbel.
All three stores had reportedly employed Syrian workers who didn’t have the appropriate work permits.
In recent months, the Ministry of Labor has been cracking down on employers across the country that have un-registered, non-Lebanese staff.
The state-run National News Agency also reported that seven other stores in the Akkar region were also in violation of labor regulation and would be closed in the coming days.
On April 22, demonstrators in Akkar blocked the main road in the town of Akkar al-Atiqa with burning tires to protest “illegal competition” from Syrian nationals.
Syrians are barred from working in most professions and some have also been requested to sign documents vowing to return to Syria following the expiration of their residency documents.
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