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Conflict Incident Report
Thieves gang arrested in Baysarieh
Date of incident:
September 15, 2017
Death toll:
Number of Injured:
Actors/Parties Involved:
ISF Intelligence Branch
On 15 Sep 17, in Baysarieh, the Internal Security Forces (ISF) arrested five (5) persons wanted for committing thefts.
Source Link:
Primary category:
Classification of conflict (primary):
Individual acts of violence
Violent incidents which do not have a specific or a known political agenda but are caused by the general proliferation of weapons, of trained and untrained soldiers or militants, by the general inefficiency of the Justice system, and past-traditions and histories of violence within society.
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صـــــدر عــــن المديريــــة العامــــة لقـــوى الامــن الداخلــــي ـ شعبـــة العلاقـــات العامـة البــــــلاغ التالـــــي:بتاريخ 11/9/2017 وفي بلدة...
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