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Conflict Analysis Project » Geo-Located Mapping of Conflicts » Sit-in in Tripoli over General Amnesty
Conflict Incident Report
Sit-in in Tripoli over General Amnesty
Date of incident:
April 28, 2017
Death toll:
Number of Injured:
Actors/Parties Involved:
Lebanese Civilians
وطنية - طرابلس - افاد مندوب "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام" عبد الكريم فياض، ان عددا من النساء اعتصمن امام سراي طرابلس وقطعن الطريق في الاتجاهين، للمطالبة باقرار قانون عفو عام عن الموقوفين الاسلاميين.
وادى الاعتصام الى زحمة سير في المنطقة.
Source Link:
Primary category:
Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...]
Classification of conflict (primary):
Policy conflicts
Conflicts associated with political decisions, government or state policies regarding matters of public concern, such as debates concerning law reforms, electoral laws, and protests of the government’s political decisions, among others.
Classification of conflict(secondary):
Conflicts of social discrimination
Violent and unjust treatment of different categories of people and individuals based on race, age, gender or sexuality, committed by the State, groups and individuals, related to a lack of protection and rights, inefficiency of the Justice system and persisting social and economic vulnerabilities.
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