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Conflict Incident Report

Sit-in in al-Bireh against the Decision of the Education Minister

Date of incident: 
October 9, 2017
Death toll: 
Number of Injured: 
Actors/Parties Involved: 
Lebanese Civilians
Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF)

تطورت الامور في ​بلدة البيرة​ عقب الاعتصام الذي نفذه عدد من الاهالي يتقدمهم رئيس بلدية البيرة الحاج محمد وهبي، ورئيس حركة شباب عكار خالد العبود، وذلك احتجاجا على قرار ​وزير التربية​ ​مروان حمادة​ تعيين مدير للثانوية ياسين حسان مرعب، لافتين الى انه تم تعيينه بالرغم من اعلان الشغور في العام 2016.
حدة الاعتصام دفعت بالجيش اللبناني للتدخل ما ادى الى حالات اغماء بين الطلاب بسبب استخدام الغاز المسيل للدموع.

Primary category: 
Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...]
Secondary Category: 
Classification of conflict (primary): 
Policy conflicts
Conflicts associated with political decisions, government or state policies regarding matters of public concern, such as debates concerning law reforms, electoral laws, and protests of the government’s political decisions, among others.
Classification of conflict(secondary):
Individual acts of violence
Violent incidents which do not have a specific or a known political agenda but are caused by the general proliferation of weapons, of trained and untrained soldiers or militants, by the general inefficiency of the Justice system, and past-traditions and histories of violence within society.