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Conflict Incident Report

Protesters block road after shooting

Date of incident: 
February 6, 2018
Death toll: 
Number of Injured: 
Actors/Parties Involved: 
Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF)
Lebanese Civilians

A Hizbullah supporter was handed over to security forces evening after he shot and wounded two men during a personal dispute in the Aley District town of Aramoun, the National News Agency said. NNA said the shooter, identified as Hajj Abu Fadi Nael, was handed over after the Progressive Socialist Party's leadership and MP Akram Shehayyeb communicated with Hizbullah, which “lifted the political cover off” the man. The agency identified the injured as Jawad Bou Ghannam and Yamen Malaeb, saying they were transferred to hospital with gunshot wounds to their legs. Nael owns a butcher shop in the area, according to NNA. Protesters blocked the Aramoun road in the wake of the incident as the army deployed in the area to preserve security, the agency said.

Primary category: 
Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...]
Classification of conflict (primary): 
Power & governance conflicts
Violent or non-violent conflicts associated with antagonisms related to internal political tensions between local and/or national groups and parties. These tensions may be encouraged by internal, regional and international parties. Such conflicts are characterized by their defiance and/or opposition to central State power and governance.