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History of Conflicts » Mapping of Political Violence in Lebanon » Peter Winkler, head of the ICRC mission in Saida, was abducted.
Conflict Incident Report
Peter Winkler, head of the ICRC mission in Saida, was abducted.
Associated Timeline/Case:
Old Wars, New Wars | January, 1983 to December, 1988
Date of incident:
November 17, 1988 to December 16, 1988
Death toll:
Number of Injured:
November 17, 1988: Peter Winkler, head of the ICRC mission in Saida, was abducted. One week later, the ICRC had evacuated its staff from offices there and moved them to West Beirut. Winkler was released on December 16, 1988. On December 20, the ICRC announced that it was ceasing operations in Lebanon and withdrawing its representatives who had received death threats
Primary category:
Hostage Taking Situation [inc. attempt, release]
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