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Conflict Incident Report

One person died after a shooting in the Bekaa

Date of incident: 
October 18, 2017
Death toll: 
1 person
Number of Injured: 
Actors/Parties Involved: 
Lebanese Civilians

أدخل الى ​مستشفى​ البتول في الهرمل المدعو طعان احمد مدلج والدته فاطمة، جثة هامدة مصابا ب​طلق ناري​ في بطنه.
يشار الى ان المذكور لبناني من سجلات نفوس الهرمل ومقيم في ​الاراضي السورية​ ب​بلدة زيتا​، واصيب اثناء انتقاله الى منزله على متن ​دراجة نارية​، ولم يعرف مصدر اطلاق النار.

Primary category: 
Classification of conflict (primary): 
Individual acts of violence
Violent incidents which do not have a specific or a known political agenda but are caused by the general proliferation of weapons, of trained and untrained soldiers or militants, by the general inefficiency of the Justice system, and past-traditions and histories of violence within society.