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Conflict Incident Report

Naameh municipality to close Syrian-run businesses, those employing Syrians

Date of incident: 
March 9, 2017
Death toll: 
Number of Injured: 
Actors/Parties Involved: 
Syrian Civilians/Refugees

BEIRUT: A municipality south of Beirut will implement a total ban on Syrian-owned businesses and Lebanese businesses that employ Syrian workers, excluding those where the Ministry of Labor has specified Syrians are allowed to work.

A decision issued by Naameh Mayor Charbel Matar Monday called for the “closure of all stores that are run by Syrians or have Syrian workers in Naameh.”

Syrian workers are only allowed to be employed in jobs designated by a Ministry of Labor decision issued in late January.

“Agricultural, cleaning or construction work – not managerial work,” the statement said, adding that stores that violate the decision will be closed “indiscriminately” by the end of March.

Copies of the decision have been distributed to public spaces and businesses in the area.

Primary category: 
Restrictions on Residents [inc. curfews]
Classification of conflict (primary): 
Conflicts of social discrimination
Violent and unjust treatment of different categories of people and individuals based on race, age, gender or sexuality, committed by the State, groups and individuals, related to a lack of protection and rights, inefficiency of the Justice system and persisting social and economic vulnerabilities.
Classification of conflict(secondary):
Border conflicts (Syrian border)
Violations, disputes and/or conflicts arising between rival armed groups along the Lebanese/Syrian borders which involve parties or militant groups from the Lebanese and Syrian side in both Lebanon and Syria. These conflicts also encompass transnational groups (such as faith-based regional groups, e.g. ISIS, al-Nusra Front) that cannot be considered as strictly Syrian, Lebanese or of any other national entity.