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Conflict Incident Report

Lebanese man arrested for murder, attempted murder, and drug dealing

Date of incident: 
February 2, 2018
Death toll: 
Number of Injured: 
Actors/Parties Involved: 
Internal Security Forces (ISF)
Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF)

The Internal Security Forces announced the arrest of two suspects on charges of drug trafficking and attempted murder, as well as of an ISF officer who stands accused of having been an accomplice.

One individual, identified as Lebanese national Z.Z., born in 1961, was arrested on Feb. 2 and accused of murder, attempted murder and drug dealing. The man was armed with a loaded revolver.

On the same day, a second man was apprehended for drug dealing and identified as Lebanese national Z.Aa., born in 1987. His house was searched and a cache of cocaine was found hidden inside a first-aid kit along with a stolen ID card used by the suspect for traveling.

During questioning, the two suspects admitted to having dealt drugs and said they had had the help of an Internal Security Forces officer – who had transported the first suspect within the Bekaa and the second suspect from the Bekaa to Fanar in the Metn district so as to avoid being caught at checkpoints.

The officer, identified as a Lebanese national born in 1980, was also a pharmacist and had provided the second suspect with primary ingredients used in the fabrication of Captagon pills. He was arrested and confessed to the charges brought against him.

The director general of the ISF, Maj. Gen. Imad Othman, affirmed that the agency is committed to accountability and transparency in combating corruption, the statement said. He also issued last week a reminder to all officers and members of the ISF, in which we warned of the repercussions for those who abuse of their position.

This security incident was mapped according to the closest possible location.
Primary category: 
Secondary Category: 
Illicit Trade/Trafficking/Smuggling
Classification of conflict (primary): 
Power & governance conflicts
Violent or non-violent conflicts associated with antagonisms related to internal political tensions between local and/or national groups and parties. These tensions may be encouraged by internal, regional and international parties. Such conflicts are characterized by their defiance and/or opposition to central State power and governance.